Finn Jones responds to the cancellation of the Netflix exhibition


Finn Jones responded to the cancellation of Iron fist. It was revealed yesterday that Netflix was giving the ax to the Marvel series after only two seasons. Jones played the titular hero, Danny Rand, who was not only the star of his own show but also the center of The defenders as well as. It is unlikely that this series will continue either, although it is not completely irrelevant.

Iron fist was Marvel's fourth hero to debut on Netflix, but Danny did not experience the same success as Daredevil, Jessica Jones, or Luke Cage. His first appearance was poorly received by the critics and also sowed discord among the fans. Although season 2 was not perfect, a change of showrunner completely reshaped the result. Scott Buck's move to Raven Metzner turned Marvel's worst show on Netflix into one of his best. But it was not enough to keep the show on air.

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Finn Jones reacted to the cancellation of Iron Fist today, via Instagram, with words that might give fans hope that Danny's journey will continue in one form or another. The actor said:

"Every end is a new beginning. I have a lot of love and respect for everyone involved in the last two seasons of this show. Defending the largest city in the world with the most talented and friendly people has been a privilege and a joy. Happy to have taken this path and grateful for continued support. "

The news of Iron fistThe cancellation is particularly shocking because of the preparatory work of the third season for a third season. It would not have been so surprising if the show ended after its disappointing first appearance. The final of Series 2 left many fans marveling at the prospect of Colleen Wing as New Iron Fist New York, and by Danny and Ward, in search of Orson Randall. This opened the series to exciting new stories that could now remain unfinished. This may or may not be the case, given Jones' reaction, as well as feelings expressed by Netflix and Marvel TV.

The most curious part of Jones' statement is the way she recalls the joint statement made by Netflix and Marvel, who claimed that "The Immortal Iron Fist will continue to live." It is unclear if it is simply a reference to the character's name or if more is needed for the story. However, Jones's own words give the impression that viewers have not seen Danny Rand's latest. He appeared in the second year out of Luke Cage and there has been speculation that the two will team up in a Heroes for rent series. This is not the only option, however, given the hope of fans to stage a show centered on Girls of the dragon, on which Danny could also appear. It's too early to say if Iron fistThe story is over, but at this point, little seems certain.

Plus: When will the other Marvel Netflix shows come back?

Source: Finn Jones

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