Fire in California: First Responders Give Thanksgiving to Forest Fire Survivors


CHICO, California – Recovery teams in California do not slow down for Thanksgiving. Back in the city of Paradise, they are looking for victims a few hours after a rainstorm that has almost completely extinguished the gigantic and deadly Camp Fire.

It's harder to sift through ashes and wet debris, but it's safer for dead dogs looking for human remains, according to Deputy Incident Commander Mark Brown.

"This reduces the risk of inhalation for both rescue and dogs," he said. "They do not inhale, dogs, can not put them on masks because they have to use their noses."

The storm could drop up to 6 inches of rain over the next few days, causing the authorities to shut down one of the main roads to the fire zone. Aviva Braun, a meteorologist with the National Meteorological Service, said the region was already prone to landslides.

"Add a burn intensity to that and a ton of rain at the same time, yes, it could be complicated up there," she said.

With 52,000 evacuees, many still have no place to go for the holidays. Some live in tents on a Walmart car park. But volunteers, even famous chefs like Guy Fieri, have mobilized around this community to provide Thanksgiving meals.

Firefighters like Jim Irving are part of the volunteer servers. He has already spent weeks on fire and will now miss dinner with his own family.

"For me, it's almost like … I'd rather be here, you know it helps others and that's part of what Thanksgiving has about," he said.

Ron White lost his house and his father's in the fire. He was impressed to see the firefighters serving the meal.

"I thank them all as soon as I met them," said White. "I think they are absolutely wonderful people, they deserve all the attention they can have."

In southern California, officials have stated that Woolsey Fire in Los Angeles County was full content from Wednesday night. Three people died in the fire that swept the neighborhood and destroyed more than 1,600 structures.

Forest fires in Northern California - Thanksgiving

Michael Reining (left) and Chelsea Meddings (right) prepare a Thanksgiving meal for survivors of the deadly fire that occurred in northern California on the campus of California State University in Chico, California , Wednesday, November 21, 2018. They volunteer for World Central Kitchen, which partners with local businesses to provide thousands of Thanksgiving meals to displaced people.


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