Fire Reaches Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s Property: Home in Danger


We’re sending all of our most positive vibes to Kim Kardashian and Kanye West right now, as the California wildfires close in on their beautiful Hidden Hills home. Just last night, Kim revealed that she only had an hour to evacuate her family from the home and get their most valuable possessions out, so thankfully they’re all safe, but Kim claims that the flames are licking at the Kardashian-West property, and pose a serious danger of destroying the $20 million estate.

Kim took to Twitter to fill fans in, writing, “I heard the flames have hit our property at our home in Hidden Hills but now have stopped. It doesn’t seem like it is getting worse. God is good. I’m just praying everyone is safe ?? Fire Fighters, I love you and thank you for doing all that you can to keep us safe!”

While Kim and her family left last night, her security team stuck around… until recently. They reportedly have been told to leave the property to protect their safety. Unfortunately, not much can be done if the flames get to the house, and it could face the same fate as Caitlyn Jenner’s. Cait’s home, we recently learned, has completely burned to the ground.

Of course, family and lives are so much more important than a building, but this house has been a dream of Kim and Kanye’s for years. The couple bought it way back in 2014, and spent the last four years doing renovations upon renovations to make it the comfortable oasis that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives in. As a matter of fact, they’d been living in a temporary home in Bel-Air until earlier this year, so it would be a horrible tragedy to lose the house before they even got to really enjoy it!

Kim arrived home from New York last night to see the flames eating up the mountain range from her private plane. She took to Instagram, begging fans to “Pray for Calabasas” as trees, buildings, and more crumbled below. Kim couldn’t be more grateful for the firefighters trying to battle the flames, writing, “thank you for all that you do for us!” We wish the family all the best in this scary time.

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