First case of human hepatitis in the rat recorded in Hong Kong



Rat infestations are on the rise in Hong Kong after persistent bad weather, reports say – Representational ImageKAZUHIRO NOGI / AFP / Getty Images

For the first time, the version of the hepatitis E virus (HEV) in rats was passed on to humans and the first case was recorded in Hong Kong. This event is "of major importance for public health," says the University of Hong Kong.

The study did not show any previous case of HEV virus transmission to humans by HEV in rats, and so far there is no indication that this is happening. Rat HEV is a distant relative of human HEV, notes a report from MedicalXpress.

The disease was discovered in a 56-year-old man who had undergone a liver transplant and who later had abnormal liver function tests, said the university. The patient could have contracted this disease by eating food tarnished by rat droppings, they explained.

"This study conclusively proves for the first time in the world that HEV in rats can infect humans so as to cause clinical infection," HKU reported. The man came from a region heavily infested with rats and this was the case just outside his home, the report notes.

Following a recent period of hot and humid weather in Hong Kong, rodent problems in the city have worsened, the report notes. The region has also been affected by a series of diseases in the past. In 2003, one of these outbreaks, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), killed at least 300 people and was expected to become a rapidly spreading epidemic. However, it was contained quickly.

In terms of rat-transmitted infections, bubonic plague reached Hong Kong in the late 19th century in mainland China, leaving thousands dead.

HEV in its human strain is a liver disease that affects tens of millions of people every year, according to the WHO. Spread in contaminated drinking water, it is known to cause a list of problems for affected patients. Fever, vomiting, jaundice and, in severe cases, can cause liver failure.

According to the NVHR, the disease goes away by itself in a few weeks, but can be very uncomfortable for patients. This is not a deadly disease, but it can kill up to 2% of its victims.

It is unclear at this time whether the disease version in rats is as dangerous.

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