First Hospitalization Due To Influenza in Mesa County


Mesa County, CO – Mesa County Public Health is reporting the first case of a hospitalization to influenza in the county during the current flu season.

The Mesa County resident became sick after spending time on the Front Range,

MCPH is urging everyone to get flu shots.

The complete news release from MCPH is below:


A Mesa County resident has been hospitalized due to influenza after spending time on the Front Range. This is the first flu hospitalization in Mesa County during the 2018-2019 flu season.

Residents who have not gotten their flu shot as soon as possible. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) predicts more than 25 million people Thanksgiving – one of the TSA 's busiest Thanksgivings on record.

"Thanksgiving is one of the most important breakthroughs, including the flu virus," Mesa County Public Health (MCPH) Epidemiology Program Manager Heidi Dragoo said. "The flu shot is your best bet to prevent getting sick with the flu season. It also prevents severe symptoms and hospitalization due to getting sick with flu. "

Getting Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Care for Infant Care Unit (ICU) is 82 percent of the time.

The MCPH Clinic has plenty of fluids and all major insurances including Medicaid, Medicare and the Children's Health Insurance Plan. We serve all patients regardless of ability to pay.

"MCPH Clinic Program Manager Allison Sanchez said. "You can call to make an appointment, but we also have walk-in availability. Our goal is to get the most out of your community, so you can not afford it.

Visit to learn more about prevention and clinical services. Call 970-248-6900 to make an appointment.

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