First human case of hepatitis in rats found in Hong Kong


A brown rat eats a piece of food

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Gettty Images

A 56-year-old man from Hong Kong developed the first human case of hepatitis E in rats.

The researchers say that it's not clear how the man contacted the virus, but the trash cans outside of his home were infested with rats.

There had been no previous evidence that this strain of the virus could be transmitted to humans.

The human version of hepatitis E is usually spread through contaminated drinking water.

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Garbage outside the home of the man was infested with rats

"Very divergent"

The doctors discovered the case when human tests showed abnormal liver function as a result of a liver transplant.

According to researchers at the University of Hong Kong, other tests have shown that he has a "very divergent" hepatitis strain.

"We postulate that contamination of food by infected rat feces in the food supply is possible," they said in a report.

It is said that the man is recovering.

Symptoms of the human strain of hepatitis E include jaundice and sometimes fatigue, fever, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Most people will overcome the virus, although for some, such as those with an immune deficiency or a pregnant woman, this can prove fatal.

It is common for diseases to spread from animals to humans. More than 60% of emerging infectious diseases are of animal origin.

An extended period of hot, humid weather has caused an escalation of rodent problems in Hong Kong.

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