First influenza death reported in Conn.


The state's health department is reporting the first flu-related death in Connecticut this season.

According to the department, this is the first flu-related death this season in a patient over 65 years old. Up to now, 22 people have been hospitalized in Connecticut.

The Connecticut Department of Public Health announced that influenza activity was slowly increasing throughout the state since the end of August, which is typical of the flu season.

American Richard Blumenthal will join health professionals at Hartford Hospital to urge residents to get the flu shot as soon as possible.

Last year, more than 80,000 people died of the flu, including 154 from Connecticut.

According to the state's Department of Public Health, the flu season was the deadliest in five years.

Among those who died were at least three children in Connecticut, including Emma Splan, of Norwalk, aged 6, and Nico Mallozzi, of New Canaan, aged 10.

Schools across the state have reported an increase in influenza cases in the classroom.

In neighborhoods like Shelton, extra cleaning took place in all buildings. In some Bridgeport schools, parents were reminded to keep their children at home if they were sick. In Stratford, school nurses sent memos home and to teachers, reminding everyone to wash their hands, cover their mouths when coughing, and other good habits of common sense.

Last year was a particularly difficult flu season, both in Connecticut and throughout the country, perhaps in part because of a vaccine that was not as effective as many would have hoped.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced, this season's influenza vaccine averaged 36% effective against influenza infections.

In September, Congress approved new federal funding of $ 140 million for a universal flu shot. This is in addition to a $ 40 million increase in federal funding for the development of a universal flu vaccine obtained earlier this year. Now, Blumenthal is helping to implement legislation to invest $ 1 billion in research over the next five years.

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