First lady making second visit to border detention center for undocumented immigrants


First Lady Melania Trump was on Thursday in Tucson, Arizona, where she is expected to visit for the second time in a week at a border detention center where undocumented immigrants arrested at the border are being arrested South.

"This facility is about two hours from the US border, but it is the first time that individuals (parents and children together) are taken away immediately after detention at the border," said Thursday the director communications from the first lady. to a pool report. She will participate in a roundtable discussion with US Marshalls, US Border Patrol Officers and local breeders who will share their stories about what they saw across the border, as well as on the other side of the border. story of a 6 year old boy who was found alone in the Arizona desert. "

The office of the first lady revealed Tuesday that she would make another visit to a detention center while the administration continues to question the status of more than 2,000 separated children. their parents because of the president's zero tolerance policy.

Tuesday, a federal judge in California ordered a temporary halt to the separation of families at the border and ruled that children abducted from their parents must be reunited within 30 days. The court also banned, in the absence of a waiver, the expulsion of parents without their children, and said that in the future children can not be separated from A parent only if that parent poses a threat to the child.

The first lady's visit last week sparked significant controversy over her choice of a jacket that included a graphic on her back reading, "I do not really care, is not it? this not? "

Ms. Trump's office said in a statement that the jacket was in no way intended to symbolize or send a message, but this claim was immediately undermined by a tweet from President Trump who reacted to growing criticism with a tweet.

ABC Lauren Pearle and Justin Doom contributed to this article. 19659009] [ad_2]
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