First man to make his US debut in Washington, DC amidst controversy over a flag


Neil Armstrong's biopic on Damien Chazelle, presented tonight at the National Museum of Air and Space, has aroused outrage at not having photographed Buzz Aldrin with his American flag on the moon.

Damien Chazelle First man, which sparked controversy over omitting Buzz Aldrin's iconic coup planting the American flag on the moon, is expected to be celebrated with a premiere in Washington on Oct. 4.

Although President Trump has stated that he will not see the film, Universal has the opportunity, depending on the participants, to counter the narrative First man is reserved for voters of the blue state. The film may already be among the political supporters of the heavyweight: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who caused a stir when he hit the post premiere in Toronto.

But the presence of Trudeau, who has quarreled with Trump for everything from immigration to tariffs, is no part of a globalist conspiracy. Trudeau is a friend of his fellow Ryan Gosling, who plays Neil Armstrong. The Prime Minister is also a fan of Claire Foy's film. Trudeau told the actress that he had met Queen Elizabeth at the age of 7 and the performance of Foy in The crown was there.

This story was first published in the Oct. 3 issue of Hollywood Reporter. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.

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