Fish and Seafood Provide Omega-3s for Healthy Aging and Longer Longevity


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There is a difference between living long and living long in good health life – not just survive, but thrive in old age without disease or major handicap.

New research suggests that eating more seafood could play a role in achieving this goal. In the elderly, a higher blood concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in fish was associated with a lower risk of unhealthy aging, revealed a study published Wednesday in The BMJ.

"We should be thinking about how to increase that level in our body," senior author Heidi TM Lai, a postdoctoral fellow at the Friedman School of Science and Nutrition Policy at Tufts University, told TODAY.

"We live longer with the disease, so as researchers, we want to start focusing on the quality of life and not just on longevity."

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