Fit and good: what causes these fragile bones | brunch | functionality


Menakshi had done it – a master's degree in business administration from a reputed institute, she was vice president of a multinational at 28 years old. She was meeting with industry leaders and then one day she realized that strange pains and pains were beginning to settle in.

She would wake up one day with a pain in her lower back. Then two days later, her shoulder pain was killing her. Menakshi could not wear well-fitting underwear because his ribs and pelvis hurt. She takes care of it by popping painkillers, changing her wardrobe and blaming all of it for stress. And then, one day, she stumbled and broke her right shin.

What she did not understand is that young women between the ages of 20 and 20 are plagued by weak, porous bones, resulting in unexplained pain all over their body. In this situation, the direct pressure on any bones in the body can be painful and is known as low bone mineral density (BMD) or osteopenia.

Osteopenia, if it is not corrected, can result in porous bones or osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is dangerous because the bones become brittle and can break easily. Osteoporotic bones are so fragile that a simple retreat can lead to fractures that do not heal easily.

The strange thing is that, this condition would affect menopausal women in their 60s or 70s. But now, women aged 20 to 20 are diagnosed with low bone mineral density, and some even have true osteoporosis …

What is causing this disease?

Low bone mineral density may be the direct result of a low to insufficient vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body. These are essential elements for bone health.

Vitamin D3 is necessary for the proper functioning of the body and can help maintain normal blood pressure, fight against autoimmune diseases, influenza and heart disease. The strength of the bones results from optimal levels of vitamin D3 in the body.

Low BMD and vitamin D3 can be prevented by living an active life
(Illustration of Mitrarun Halder)

To remedy this, go to the gym!

• It is possible to prevent low BMD and vitamin D3 by living an active life and taking a lot of sun. The absorption of sunlight through the skin is necessary for the body to make its own vitamin D3.

• Take a quick 30 minute walk outside, especially early in the morning. And ladies, put away this sunscreen!

Surya namaskars work perfectly well to absorb the sun's rays
(Illustration of Mitrarun Halder)

• If you do not like walking, do yoga or body weight training outdoors. Surya namaskars works perfectly well to absorb the sun's rays.

• Go to the gym at least twice a week to lift weights. Do not do cardio because these sessions are designed to strengthen your muscles, which will strengthen your bones.

Compound exercises like deadlifts lead to strong bones
(Illustration of Mitrarun Halder)

• Do compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, lunges, standing presses, rows. These will lead to toned muscles and strong bones.

The best way to develop strong bones is to practice a fun activity in the sun and strengthen your muscles at the gym.
(Illustration of Mitrarun Halder)

Remember, ladies, to develop strong bones and a healthy and productive life, you must have a fun and entertaining activity in the sun and strengthen your muscles at the gym. Do these two things regularly and reap the benefits!

Kamal Singh, CSCS, strength and fitness trainer for 15 years, specializes in post-rehab training and functional training.

From HT Brunch, October 21, 2018

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First published: 21 October 2018 00:14 IST

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