Fitbit: murdered woman helps solve murder, police say


Anthony Aiello, of San Jose, is charged with the murder of Karen Navarra, his daughter-in-law who lived a few blocks away, following a murder last September, San Jose police said.

Navarra, a 67-year-old pharmacy technician, was found dead at home on September 13, sprawled in an armchair, wounded in her head and neck at the dining room table, by a colleague entered through a non-smoking door. locked while Navarra does not show up at work, report the police in an affidavit of probable cause.

The investigation followed an investigation that, according to the police, depended in part on the neighborhood's surveillance video, interviews of his family and a device for tracking Fitbit Alta's activities that he said had been used. she wore on her left wrist.

After the colleague called them home, the police found a knife in Navarra's hand, a cut on the neck and wounds on top of the head, the affidavit says. There was a lot of dried blood on the floor, blood splatters on a counter and drapery, pizza wrapped in aluminum foil on the counter and pizza on the floor, he says.

An autopsy determined that Navarre had several injuries to the head – probably due to a sharp edge like a hatchet – and that it could not have inflicted all the injuries itself, says the document of the court. Death was deemed a homicide.

When police questioned Navarra's mother and his father-in-law, Aiello, they claimed that Navarra was living alone and that Aiello had visited him on September 8, when he had prepared a pizza, and then had delivered it in a visit of about 15 minutes to 15 hours. the affidavit reads as follows:

How the police used a Fitbit to link the visit and the murder

In an attempt to corroborate the visit, the police found a surveillance video in the neighborhood showing a car parked in Navarre alley from 3:12 pm. at least 3:33 pm on September 8, the affidavit says. The video was recorded only intermittently and shows that the car was gone at 3:35 pm.

They learned that the car belonged to the mother of Navarra, who told the investigators that Aiello would drive her that day.

Fitness trajectory indicator of a woman in a state putting her life in danger

According to police, the Fitbit de Navarra would link his death to the schedule of this visit.

The device, which records the heart rate and the movements of the wearer, communicated via Bluetooth with a paired device – probably a nearby computer -, so the data was captured by the company's Fitbit server, learned a detective who contacted the company.

The device recorded a spike in Navarre's heart rate at 3:20 pm, followed by a sudden slowdown – and the last heartbeat was recorded at 3:28 pm, the affidavit says.

These times corresponded to Aiello's apparent visit, according to police.

Police said they arrested Aiello on September 26 and searched him at his home, where they found trousers and shirts with "positive presumptive" blood stains.

Cops use Fitbit, a murdered woman, to accuse her husband

In a later interview with investigators, Aiello denied his presence when his daughter-in-law was killed and suggested that another person might have been in the house, reads the affidavit.

When he was told of bloodstains on the clothes, Aiello responded that he often cut himself, according to the affidavit.

"He was told that the blood deposits were not located at one place and were more compatible with splashes." Aiello said that he could have cut her hand and shook her. while he was wearing those shirts, "wrote an inspector in the affidavit.

The police did not publicly suggest a possible motive in the murder. CNN's attempts to contact Aiello or a lawyer representing him for comment did not immediately succeed.

Other cases in which the police say that Fitbit was the key

The detectives used data from fitness trackers such as Fitbit to make arrests in other homicide investigations.

Earlier this year, the Iowa police said that the data provided by Fitbit had played a role in solving the murder of university student Mollie Tibbetts, allegedly killed after a night jog. according to the investigators.
In 2017, police said they used evidence from a Fitbit to charge a Connecticut man for killing his wife.
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