Five lynched in India after rumors of kidnappings online


The victims were killed in Dhule district, in the state of Maharashtra, on Sunday morning, after the locals accused them of being part of a band of "child lifts," says the police. WhatsApp's messages inspired deadly attacks in India.

Men, poor agricultural workers from a neighboring district, were attacked by a group of about 40 people after arriving by bus. They were surrounded by a crowd of nearly 3,000 people.

WhatsApp messages warning residents of possible kidnappers were circulating in Dhule for 10 to 15 days

"Someone starts the rumor and it goes on," Mr. Ramkumar, Superintendent of Police, Dhule, told CNN

"They (the victims) were traveling to different places to beg for alms," he added.

A police team reached the area after the lynching. Two policemen were injured when the crowd lit the police, Ramkumar said.

Police confirmed that 23 people had been arrested as part of the incident and that the police were looking for the rest of the 40 accused. Arrested Persons Indicted for Murder and Riots

Police suspended Internet and mobile facilities in Dhule District to try to stop the spread of fake messages.

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Earlier last week, three people were killed in the state of Tripura, northeast of the country, after the media social, including WhatsApp, rumors of kidnappings.

One of the men killed Thursday had been hired by the Tripura administration to make announcements by loudspeaker and warn residents against false rumors.

The death of a child during a family conflict earlier in the week had fueled fears Two men killed during misrepresentations of kidnapping on WhatsApp, Facebook "data-src -mini = "//" data-src-xsmall = "// /download.aspx 180612095333-01-india-killing-protest-0611-large-169.jpg "data-src-medium =" // -exlarge-169.jpg "data-src-large =" // "data-src- full16x9 = "//" data-src-mini1x1 = "// cnnnext / dam / assets / 180612095333-01-india-killing-protest-0611-small-11.jpg "data-dema nd-load = "not-loaded" data-eq-pts = "mini: 0, xsmall: 221, small: 308, medium: 461, large: 781" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhEAAJAJEAAAAAAP // ///// wAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQAAkAAAIKlI + py + 0Po5yUFQA7 "/>

" Anywhere on social media, people shared (fake images and videos) that children who search for human organs such as kidneys and livers were in the area to kidnap children, "said Smriti Ranjan Das, a senior police officer at CNN

. SUVs were lynched by a mob in the state of Assam, in the north-east of the country, after rumors that a child was being held in the car by the local village on Facebook social media sites and WhatsApp. The car was stopped by the locals and the men were ripped off and beaten to death.
  An Indian crowd kills a transgender woman on false rumors about WhatsApp
In May, a transgender woman was killed and three others Seriously injured in the city of Hyderabad when they were attacked by an angry mob of locals acting on the rumors of WhatsApp that the women were child traffickers.

Messages, become viral in the region, A day before transgender aggression, a man with mental health problems was beaten in Pahadishareef, also in southern Hyderabad, as a result of rumors that he was a member of a human rights organization. kidnap gang

Incidents involving false rumors about kidnappers have increased in India in the last month. State governments have started running campaigns to counter rumors spread through the WhatsApp groups.

Dhule police publish advertisements in local newspapers and television stations to raise awareness of this false information. [ad_2]
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