Five scientific predictions of Professor Stephen Hawking | Science


Gene editing

In his posthumous collection of articles and essays recently published, Short answers to the Large QuestionsStephen Hawking predicted that genetic editing techniques would give rise to a race of "superhumans" – "a race of self-designed beings who are improving at a faster pace."

Artificial intelligence

In 2017, the teacher said wired magazine that the genie "AI is out of the bottle". He feared that developments in artificial intelligence would result in "a new form of life that will surpass humans."

Exploration of the space

To ensure the survival of humanity, the theoretical physicist thought we had to colonize other planets and solar systems. "Dispersion is perhaps the only thing that saves us from ourselves. I am convinced that humans must leave the Earth, "he told an audience at a Norwegian science and art festival in 2017.

Climate change

Hawking was also concerned about climate change, boosted by the election of Donald Trump to the presidency in 2016. "Trump's Action [pulling out of the Paris agreement] could push the Earth above the threshold, to become like Venus, with a temperature of 250 ° C and a shower of sulfuric acid, "Hawking told BBC News.

Foreign contact

He also thought that if we made contact with extraterrestrials, the result might not be positive. In 2010, he told Discovery Channel: "If extraterrestrials visited us, the result would be the same as when Columbus landed in America, which did not work well for the Amerindians."

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