Flake votes for Kavanaugh, FBI probe: cartoon Darcy


CLEVELAND, Ohio – Saturday night, President Trump refuted a report by NBC that he was restricting FBI interviewees during the background check of Judge Brett Kavanaugh who had been reopened.

"NBC News reported incorrectly (as usual) that I was limiting the investigation to people of Judge Kavanaugh and the witness, only to certain people." In fact, I want them to question any person whom they deem appropriate, at their discretion, correct your statements! " President Trump wrote in a tweet and said at a rally in West Virginia.

White House spokesman Raj Shah said, "The scope and duration have been set by the Senate, and the White House is letting the FBI agents do what they are trained for."

On Friday, President Trump quickly ordered a "follow-up investigation" at the latest FBI background check regarding Brett Kavanaugh, following a formal request from the Senate Senate Committee.

The judicial committee's request was the result of negotiations between Senator Jeff Flake and his friend in the Senate, Democratic Senator Chris Coons.

It was a drama filled on Friday for the Judiciary Committee as it was meeting to vote to advance Kavanaugh's nomination. In the drama, Flake was stuck in an elevator by angry sexual assault victims who had already sentenced Kavanaugh for rape, several Democrats were withdrawing from the meeting and Senator Feinstein totally confused by the Flake / Coons deal and the vote progress.

Flake had announced before the meeting that he would vote to advance Kavanaugh. Coons' efforts to put pressure on Flake began with his speech to the committee in which he threw Flake and the Republicans a bone. While Coons continued to oppose Kavanaugh's candidacy and request an FBI investigation, he also acknowledged that someone with a "partisan agenda" may have leaked the name of Christine Blasey Ford to the media.

Senator Feinstein and Representative Ann Eshoo, or their staff, were identified as the main sources of the leak, as they were the only ones to have had access to Ford's letter accusing Kavanaugh.

Feinstein confused at the judicial committee meeting.

Flake and Coons left their chairs and entered a room next door and were quickly joined by other members of the Committee. After a while, Flake appeared and announced that he would vote to advance Kavanaugh by calling for the reopening of the FBI's investigation for a limited duration and scope. Mr. Flake also made it clear that postponing the full Senate vote on an FBI inquiry would be up to the Senate leader.

When the committee began voting to advance Kavanaugh, Feinstein initially thought he was voting on a Flake motion calling for an FBI investigation. Then, when Kavanaugh's appointment was advanced and the meeting ended, Feinstein did not know what was going on. She thought that they would then vote on an amendment regarding Flake's call for an FBI investigation. President Grassley told Feinstein that it was an "agreement between men and women" to request that an FBI investigation be opened for a week at most.

Flake held all the cards.

Although Flake stated that it was incumbent on Sen McConnell to postpone the vote and ask Trump to reopen the FBI's investigation, McConnell and Trump had no other choice than to find a way out. 39 accept, because Flake is one of the key Republican votes with Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.

An FBI investigation that does not result in damaging information about Kavanaugh will give Flake, Collins and Murkowski more protection to vote yes.

The FBI's investigation is not a complete criminal investigation.

The FBI's investigation complements Mr. Kavanaugh's background check, which he has been involved with during his career with the Bush administration and as a practicing judge.

It will not be a complete criminal investigation. The FBI can not force anyone to talk to them. The results of the FBI interviews will be presented to the Senate and the President without any recommendation from the FBI and will not be made public.

The four people named by Dr. Ford as alleged witnesses agreed to be interviewed by the FBI, including Mark Judge.

Deborah Ramirez said she was contacted by the FBI. Ramirez claimed that Kavanaugh had been exposed to her at a party when they were students at Yale.

The FBI could also question a third accuser, Julie Swetnick. Swetnick alleges that Kavanaugh was at high school parties when women, including her, were intoxicated and drugged to be raped by a "train" of men.

None of the allegations, including those of Ford, have been corroborated. Ramirez's claim was so unreliable The New York Times chose not to write its story. Ramirez said that she was drunk and that only after thinking about it, she was certain that it was Kavanaugh.

If the FBI talks with Swetnick, they will probably also interview his ex-boyfriend who has been issued a no-contact order against him for threats of domestic violence against him, his current wife and their child. He stated publicly that she had no credibility and could not be believed.

The confirmation does not pass through:

According to the deadlines of the last appointments to the Supreme Court, the confirmation of Kavanaugh is not tainted, as Democrats and experts have said.

Kavanaugh's confirmation process has now gone beyond the time needed to confirm the last three US Supreme Court candidates.

It should be concluded as soon as the results of the FBI are examined with an immediate vote up or down.

If the FBI does not reveal anything new, Kavanaugh will probably be confirmed. Otherwise, Trump will withdraw his name and will probably propose an even more conservative and anti-Roe v Wade person than Kavanaugh. He won that right when he won the election.

What is certain is that the Democrats will protest and obstruct, whatever the results, because they have shown that they believe in the double standard and the presumption of guilt, and not in the innocence.

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