Flex Alert asking people to keep electricity to avoid power outages


Fresno, Calif. – The California power grid operator is calling for a voluntary conservation of energy because of the high temperatures in most of the West. The California independent system operator says that a so-called flex-alert will come into effect in the state starting at 5 pm. at 9 pm Tuesday and Wednesday. The measure aims to save energy during the hours when air conditioners are usually used at full speed.

"Over the next few days, the demand on the network may exceed the capacity of the network. It goes without saying that the heat and the opportunities for forest fires affect the transportation network, "said Denny Boyles, spokesperson for Pacific Gas & Electric.

Public service workers will be ready to intervene if necessary. The National Weather Service issued an excessive heat warning Monday morning for almost all of Southern California until Thursday.

PG & E provides these tips for reducing demand on the power grid during extreme heat and helping customers save money.

Set the thermostat of your air conditioner to 78 degrees or more when you are at home, if health permits, and 85 degrees when you are away.

If you set your AC thermostat to 5 degrees, you will save about 10% on cooling costs.

If you turn on your ceiling fan when using the air conditioner, you can increase your thermostat by about 4 ° F to save energy.

Close the windows and draw the blinds to keep the air pre-cooled at night and early in the morning.

Have your central cooling duct system checked for leaks. It is possible to lose up to 20% of cooled air through leaking or poorly insulated ducts.

Purchase an ENERGY STAR® air conditioner if your air conditioner is ready for replacement. It can reduce energy consumption up to 10%.

Avoid using an electric oven during hot days. Instead, cook on the stove, use a microwave oven or grill outside.

"For the next two days, the ability of the power grid to exceed network capacity is likely to be affected by many factors, including heat and forest fire hazards. that affect the transportation network "Denny Boyles, spokesperson for Pacific Gas & Electric.

Public service workers will be ready to intervene if necessary. The National Weather Service issued an excessive heat warning Monday morning for almost all of Southern California until Thursday.

PG & E provides these tips to reduce demand on the electrical grid during extreme heat and to help customers save money over the summer:

– Set your thermostat to 78 degrees or higher you are at home, if health permits, and 85 degrees when you are away.

– If you set your AC thermostat to 5 degrees, you will save about 10% on cooling costs.

– If you turn on your ceiling fan when using the air conditioner, you can increase your thermostat by about 4 ° F not reducing comfort

– Close the windows and draw the blinds to keep the # Pre-chilled air from the night and early morning.

– Have your central cooling duct system checked for leaks. It is possible to lose up to 20% of cooled air through leaking or poorly insulated ducts.

– Purchase an ENERGY STAR® air conditioner if your air conditioner is ready for replacement. It can reduce energy consumption up to 10%.

– Avoid using an electric oven during hot days. Instead, cook on the stove, use a microwave oven or grill outside.

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