Compassionate neighbors in a North Carolina community come to the rescue of stranded pets due to Hurricane Florence.

As Hurricane Florence headed for the Carolina coast, Tammie Hedges took steps to protect the pets that could have been caught in the storm – a decision that led to her arrest.

Hedges, a resident of Waynes County, North Carolina, was arrested Friday after treating more than two dozen animals – 17 cats and 10 dogs – for homeowners who had to evacuate before the storm hit.

"The owners had to evacuate, they have to save themselves, but who is going to save those animals?" That's what we did, Hedges said. "We saved them."

The owner of Crazy's Claws N Paws, a donation-based pet rescue center, was in the process of converting a warehouse into a real animal shelter when she decided to use the building to keep her dry animals. However, his establishment was not legally registered as a refuge.

"Our mission was to save as many animals as possible from the floods," said Hedges. "We knew Hurricane Matthew and it was horrible.There were many preventable deaths.

She said that a senior couple had deposited 18 of these animals, some of which were sick and injured, just before the storm.

On Monday, after the passing of Florence, Hedges received a call from Wayne County Animal Control regarding the animals.

"Basically, he said," You can voluntarily hand over the animals, or I can go get a warrant, "said Hedges.

She has voluntarily returned the animals.

More: "Take your pets with you" to protect them during and after Hurricane Florence

"A few days later, they called me for an interrogation and yesterday they arrested me," Hedges said.

The charges included 12 heads of medical practice without a veterinary license.

The nonprofit has updated a Facebook status to break down fees:

"1 dose of amoxicillin administration to Big Momma, 1 dose of tramadol administration to Big Momma, 3 doses of amoxicillin administration to a white Siamese cat, 3 doses of administering a topical antibiotic ointment (triple antibiotic from Dollar Tree) to a white siamese cat, 3 heads of amoxicillin administration to a cat called Sweet Pea, 1 chief of amoxicillin administration to an unnamed black kitten and 1 solicitor to commit a crime, "writes the paper.

"That was all that we could find over-the-counter at Dollar Tree," said Raina Nyliram, 24, an animal rescue volunteer who launched a crowdfunding campaign for Hedges to cover legal fees. "She could not bring the animals to the vet because the vet was closed, all the charges are false."

Just days before the good action was punished, the unregistered shelter was looking for volunteers to help take care of the rescue animals.

"Please share this for anyone in Wayne County or neighboring areas who may need a place to stay or be able to help." a pet and need a place to go to stay, we would like to help them in exchange for their night help, "released the center on Facebook.

One of these volunteers, Kathie Davidson, said that she was "shocked and saddened" when animal control was introduced to take the pets.

"Of course, this whole situation is incredible," said Davidson. "The seized animals had to be returned to their owners after the storm." Instead, she said that animal control has pets.

"If they can not find the owners, the animals have gone from a safe place to a shelter," Hedges said.

The county issued a statement regarding the incident:

Wayne County Animal Services referred the case to the Wayne District Attorney's Office, suspected of practicing veterinary medicine without a license and in the presence of controlled substances, Ms. Hedges is considered innocent until proven otherwise. . "

The office said that all animals that have been returned have been checked by a licensed veterinarian and that he is working to reunite them with their owners.

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