Florence: Hurricane rains cause catastrophic floods, widespread power outages and more to come


Volunteers evacuate residents in Jacksonville, Nc.

Despite mandatory evacuation and a power outage, many people in Jacksonville, North Carolina, insisted on staying. They ended up becoming witnesses to devastating floods.

"We have never seen this before – never, never, never, not like that," said a resident.

Florence continues to wreak havoc, but not despair. From this city and beyond, people arrive to help the stranded people. Among the volunteers were out-of-service servicemen from the Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune.

Staff Sgt Marines Brian Griswold and Neil LaPon carried their own fishing boat to the floods. Cali Sterling, the fiance of a navy, joins them. "What does he look like over there?" CBS News asked.

"It's pretty deep, it's scary," Sterling said. "There are already cars falling, there are people who panic."

About 900 residents were rescued in North Carolina, said Bill Holmes, spokesman for the North Carolina Joint Information Center.

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