Florida Democrat in Race for Congress Dies Unexpectedly


MIAMI – April Freeman, the Democratic candidate for the 17th Florida District Convention, died Sunday, according to her husband, David Freeman, who announced his death on his wife's Facebook page on Monday.

"It is with great sadness that I feel I have to inform you that my beloved wife, April, died suddenly last night," Freeman wrote. "To all his family and friends here on Facebook, my heart is with you."

Mr. Freeman later told the Sarasota Herald-Tribune that Ms. Freeman had apparently died of a heart attack. She was 54 years old.

Mrs. Freeman was running in the sturdy 17th-century Republican district in southwestern Florida, where P.O.P. The incumbent, Tom Rooney, is retiring. His Republican opponent, State Senator Greg Steube, offered his condolences to Ms. Freeman's family. on Twitter.

"I respect his service to our community and admire his commitment to the causes he cares about," Steube wrote. "Out of respect for his memory, next week's events will be canceled."

Ms. Freeman, a film and television producer, lost the election to Mr. Rooney in 2016 and former representative Curt Clawson in the 19th arrondissement in 2014. His campaign biography mentions his two daughters and two young daughters. -Children Michigan.

Under state law, Freeman's name will remain in the November poll, but before the elections, the Democratic Party of Florida will nominate another candidate for the nomination, according to Sarah Revell, spokeswoman for the division of elections.

"A notice will be given to voters stating that a vote for the former party candidate will be counted for the person nominated by the political party to replace the former party candidate," said Ms. Revell in a statement. a statement.

The process of selecting a new candidate must begin within five days. The Democratic State Party will have to convene a party cadre meeting at the district level in the 17th district, one of the largest in the country.

Terrie Rizzo, president of the Florida Democratic Party, said on Monday that Freeman "has put her heart and soul into her community – and dedicated herself to making the future better for all Floridians."

"Last night, she was at the office, making phone calls and working to get the vote," Rizzo said in a statement. "His work ethic and passion have been a source of inspiration for all of us. This is a huge loss for the Democratic Party and for all who have known it.

"Our hearts are breaking for his family and loved ones, who are grieved by his loss."

Doris Burke contributed to the research.

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