Florida employee Taco Bell refuses to help customers who do not speak Spanish


MIAMI – A video of an argument with a Taco Bell employee in Hialeah, Florida, sparked a wave of outrage on social media.

The incident occurred Wednesday night as Alexandria Montgomery tried to place an order – in English – in a showcase at Taco Bell at 785 East 9th. The employee refused to take her order because she did not speak Spanish.

In the video, which was released Thursday night, Montgomery asked the annoyed woman, "Do you have a manager here?"

"She is at home sleeping," replied the employee in Spanish in a disdainful tone. There was no one else to take the order, said the employee.

"Honey, I have a car behind you," says the employee in Spanish and closes the window.

"Can you move, do you like it? I have an order behind you. There is no one who speaks English," says the woman in Montgomery in the video and threatens to say, "Do you want to move? ;to call the police.

"It's Hialeah, I'm sorry," she says in Spanish.

Two other Taco Bell employees approached the window when they heard the altercation, but apparently they did not try to help the client.

"No more, grandfather," said the employee in Spanish to a man who was in the car with Montgomery and was trying to argue that they were in the United States.

Finally, they had to leave without ordering.

"This incident happened Wednesday night around 10:30 pm I contacted the manager and after explaining to her what had happened, she apologized and said thank you and l & # 's "Call was disconnected," Montgomery told El Nuevo Herald.

Taco Bell Corp. told El Nuevo Herald that "this does not meet our expectations for customer service."

"We quickly worked with the client so that it does not happen again," said a spokesman.

In an update that Montgomery made a few hours later, she added that "Luisa", the Taco Bell employee who identified herself, had been fired and that was not even her real name.

The comments on Facebook mainly supported Montgomery, who described the incident as "racist."

"Hialeah is still a part of Florida and, as far as I can remember, correct me if I'm wrong, Florida is part of the US AMERICA, it's a country where it's a place. English is the spoken language. Hispanic Community / Latino (sic), "commented a user of Facebook.

"Wow, if the Latinos do not speak English, we try to understand each other.The money is money.I attended the deaf, Chinese, Mexicans, Americans, l & rsquo; Important is to be treated with respect. "

Hialeah, a city of nearly 225,000 in Miami-Dade County, is considered the city with the largest Hispanic population in the United States.

According to the 2010 census, about 89% of its inhabitants speak Spanish as their first or second language and more than 94% consider themselves Hispanic or Latino.

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