Florida Governor's Run: Ron DeSantis criticizes Andrew Gillum against Dream Defenders, formed after the death of Trayvon Martin


Ron DeSantis, Florida Republican candidate for governor, criticizes his Democratic opponent, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, for not having disavowed a group formed to protest the shooting of an unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin in 2012, and told the group to present Gillum as anti-police, anti-Israeli and anti-American.

Former US representative DeSantis pledges to a promise from Dream Defenders that Gillum has promised not to accept campaign donations from private prisons or the National Rifle Association. The pledge also expresses the intention to reallocate resources from "prisons, detention centers, firearms and police" to programs that support the security and basic needs of the population.

"Andrew Gillum signed an engagement with a radical group, the Dream Defenders, to sign up for a radical manifesto that was attacking our police officers, claiming that they had no place in court," he said. DeSantis less than five minutes after the start of the debate last week. "He signed a manifesto claiming that the United States was the biggest bully in the history of the planet."

Dream Defenders was created to draw attention to what it sees as an inequality in the justice system – protesting against the shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman and organizing a 31-day sit-in at the Capitol of the state after the acquittal of Zimmerman. The group has a clear agenda for the left but is not so extreme that Democrats have distanced themselves. Dream Deferred co-hosted a debate with four Democratic candidates for governorship in June, and Gillum and the other three candidates signed their pledge.

In an interview with Brietbart News after shooting the Pittsburgh synagogue, DeSantis asked Gillum to disavow the group. "He will not disavow them because that's what he is," DeSantis told Brietbart. "I mean when they say that it's part of the movement, they're not lying – it's one of them."

DeSantis and other Republicans use the group's positions on the justice system as well as his criticism of Israel against Gillum, who says he should not be judged on any what the group says.

Gillum hopes to become the first black governor of Florida and has questioned DeSantis' association with people perceived as a factor of racial division.

Just before DeSantis's comments on Dream Defenders, Gillum reminded observers of the debate that DeSantis said voters should not "monkey that up" by electing Gillum; that a neo-Nazi group organized automated calls featuring jungle music and monkey cries that made fun of Gillum; and that President Donald Trump, who supported DeSantis, did not take a firm stand against white supremacists after the deadly violence in Charlottesville last year.

"You want to talk about division, it does not create more division than the Dream Defenders," said DeSantis.

Gillum's promise of candidacy states: "I will fight for a Florida that is turning away from jails, detention centers, guns and police and investing in the basic needs and security of our people, especially of his children. "

In its Freedom Papers, The Dream Defenders goes even further: "Police and prisons have no place in the" judicial system. "Police and prisons are not only racist, but they work to impose the separation rich and poor. "

Although composed mainly of African-Americans, Dream Defenders includes other minorities and whites. Since the Capitol demonstration, the group has sought to become politically influential and has engaged politicians.

Founding member, Nailah Summers, said the state 's money was better used to prevent crime by providing better jobs and improving schools than by concentrating its efforts on l'. confinement of youth, minorities and the poor. She described DeSantis' s ridiculous focus on the group as ridiculous.

"They are trying to mess up this group of young Floridians, who I think are clearly trying to make Florida a better place," she said. "They're also trying to pretend that Dream Defenders and Gillum are best friends, and Andrew Gillum is a politician, and we only have him left."

She added that she was not entirely surprised that DeSantis is trying to make his supporters fear a group fighting for Black Floridians.

"He has a very old playbook – highlighting young people of color and making them radical," Summers said.

Speaking in a Jewish temple after the debate, Gillum downplayed the relationship with Dream Defenders. The group described Israel as a "colonial entity" built on "stolen Palestinian land".

"They mean," Gillum is an anti-Semite, "because a group organized to fight police brutality wherever it exists has decided to support it, so we will take all the positions of this group and put them on the back of Andrew and make sure to carry him, "Gillum said. "Let's forget about his relationships before that time, so that if we can stir up anger and feed enough division."

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