Florida is one of the most stressed states in the United States.


MIAMI – Save this one in the file "Tell me something that I did not already know".

A new study shows that Florida … you know, "The Sunshine State" … is one of the most stressed states in the United States.

We'll give you a second to finish pulling the hair ahead of the extra work your boss has just put on your desk to catch the news.

Career website Zippia has published its list of the 10 most stressed states, and Florida is ranked # 3.

The study used six criteria to determine the number of people without sleep, including long travel times, unemployment, hours worked, population density, housing income-to-income ratio, and the percentage of people without sleep. uninsured population.

One of the reasons Florida ranked in the same position is that it ranks third in terms of the number of uninsured residents.

But not everything is bad, because two states are more stressed than Florida! So relax, give the car an extra kick in front of you and celebrate.


  1. New Jersey
  2. Georgia
  3. Florida
  4. California
  5. New York
  6. Louisiana
  7. Maryland
  8. North Carolina
  9. Virginia
  10. Mississippi

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