Florida politicians vote on Kavanaugh's confirmation



Moments after federal judge Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed in the Supreme Court on Saturday afternoon, Florida politicians reacted quickly.

Congresswoman Lois Frankel of D-West Palm Beach called Kavanaugh's confirmation "a dark, dark day for our country". Congressman Ted Deutch, of D-Boca Raton, criticized President Donald Trump and Republicans in the Senate for what he forced a Supreme Court Supreme Court candidate who lacks temperament to sit on the Supreme Court.

Deutch, the only Florida Democrat sitting on the House Judiciary Committee, did not say the House would reopen an inquiry into Kavanaugh if Democrats regained control of the House in the November mid-term elections.

"If we go back to the House, the judicial committee I sit on is doing everything we should have done in the last two years, to oversee this administration," he said.

Democrats Andrew Gillum and Republican candidate Ron DeSantis, Florida governor candidates, took note of the confirmation. They had stopped today in Palm Beach County.

Mr. Gillum, who attended Saturday evening's Truman Kennedy Johnson Gala of the Palm Beach County Democratic Party, said he did not know how the Supreme Court controversy could affect voter turnout in the general election. next month. Gillum said he was disappointed to see the partisan nature of the process.

"His showcase before the US Senate Judiciary Committee, his temperament, in my opinion, does not suit the country's highest court," Gillum said of Kavanaugh.

DeSantis, speaking in front of supporters at a rally at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach on Saturday afternoon, congratulated the Senate Republicans for standing up to what he said. described as a "perverse defamation campaign" against Kavanaugh.

"If you look at all the Republicans, with the exception of a member of the Senate, they were prepared to resist this vicious defamation campaign that was being waged by people like Diane Feinstein and Richard Blumenthal," he said. DeSantis. "These people really degraded the Senate. What they did was a shame. "

DeSantis' speech elicited some of the most keen applause when he announced Kavanaugh's confirmation just minutes after his appearance.

"This is going to make a big difference in our country nationally and for me as a governor," said DeSantis, who also made a stopover Saturday in Naples, Fort. Myers and Sarasota.

Kavanaugh, who has faced multiple allegations of sexual misconduct during a controversial confirmation battle that lasted several weeks, was confirmed around 4 pm. by the Senate in a 50-48 vote and then sworn in as a justice a few hours later.

Frankel said in an official statement released Saturday afternoon that the confirmation sends a wrong message to survivors of sexual violence, referring to the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford of last week, who had told the Senate Judiciary Committee that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her while they were both high school girls.

An FBI investigation determined that there was no corroborating evidence. Today, Frankel called the FBI investigation "fictitious".

"It sends a horrible message to victims of sexual violence: their experiences and voices do not matter," she said. "But that is not all." Republicans confirmed a person who proved unable to appear before the country's highest court by making partisan conspiracy charges against Democrats during his hearing and even in threatening to recover his profits. "

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