Florida professor fired for refusing to follow 'no-win' policy


PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla.A South Florida teacher said she was fired after refusing to give a student a 50% mark for her unfulfilled homework, CNN reported.

Diana Tirado, a teacher in Port St. Lucie, said students should not get credit for work that has never been delivered.

Tirado said that motivation and inspiration are what she strives to provide to her students. Tirado has been teaching for years, but she began attending West Gate K-8 School in August as an eighth grade history teacher.

"Teaching is a call for me," she said.

Tirado indicated that she had assigned a draft notebook that she had given to the student's two weeks.

When several students did not return, Tirado said he discovered a "no-zeros" policy, in which the lowest mark possible was 50%. The policy is reflected in the textbook of students and parents, said Tirado.

Tirado said that she had asked the administrators: "And if they do not put it back?"

She said the answer she had received was, "We will give them a 50".

"You do not know what is happening at home.If my son blatantly chooses not to do it, he knows that he has a problem there, agree," said one parent.

Tirado was fired on September 14, but there is no clause mentioned in the director's letter because she was still on probation.

On his last day of school, Tirado wrote this message on a whiteboard: "Goodbye, children." Mrs. Tirado loves you and wishes you the best in life! I was fired for having refused to give you 50%. "

Diana Tirado, a teacher in Port St. Lucie, said students should not get credit for work that has never been delivered.

A teacher in South Florida was fired for refusing to give a student a 50% mark for unfulfilled homework, CNN reported.

Tirado sent an image via a classroom app and his students responded.

"You were right not to give people 50, why would you give them half a credit for doing nothing?" a student wrote.

Tirado released the whiteboard plan on Facebook, and it has been shared hundreds of times.

"I am so upset because we have a nation of kids who expect to be paid and live their lives just to introduce themselves and it's not real."

Tirado hopes that his actions will motivate the change of policy.

"A note in Miss Tirado's class is acquired," she said.

The West Gate Information Officer said in a statement:

"There is no district or school policy prohibiting teachers from registering a score of zero for work not rendered.The district's uniform grading system uses grades af, 100 to zero and average scores from four to zero. "

Tirado said that he had been told never to give a student a zero.

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