Flu season: FDA approves new flu treatment


FDA approves new flu drug
  • Xofluza is unusual in that it is taken in a single dose.
  • It is intended for people 12 years of age and older who have had flu symptoms for less than 48 hours.
  • Xofluza does not replace the annual flu vaccine.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new antiviral treatment for influenza.

Xofluza is approved for people 12 years of age and older who have had flu-like symptoms for less than 48 hours and have no complications.

"This is the first new antiviral treatment for influenza with a new mechanism of action approved by the FDA for almost 20 years,FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said in a press release.

One of the unique aspects of the new drug is that it is taken in a single dose. Other antiviral treatments for influenza require multiple doses over several days. TamifluFor example, the patient must take two doses a day for five days. RelenzaInhalation treatment requires a daily dose for 10 days.

(PLUS: The CDC says 80,000 people died of the flu in the US last season)

Xofluza, also known as marboxil baloxavir, will not cure the flu. However, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the pill could help patients recover fasterreduce the severity of their symptoms and reduce their risk of more serious complications.

The study was funded in part by the company that created the drug, Shionogi & Co.

Xofluza has been tested in two clinical trials involving 1,832 patients. Some received Xofluza, others received a placebo and another group received Tamiflu, the FDA announced. Patients treated with Xofluza recovered faster than placebo-treated patients. There was no difference in recovery time between Xofluza and Tamiflu.

(PLUS: 7 reasons to get flu shot now)

The pill will cost $ 150The New York Times reported, and it should be available in a few weeks. You will need a prescription to obtain it.

Genentech, which will sell Xofluza in the United States, offers coupons at a reduced price $ 30 for patients with insurance and about $ 90 for those who do not.

Dr. Rebekah Gee, Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health, told USA Today: "Although nothing can replace the flu vaccineWe appreciate the development of any medication that helps with the treatment of influenza. These drugs can save the lives of those who are seriously ill, and the single dose makes it a much easier treatment to complete. "

The flu season of last year has been the deadliest for at least four decades, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said. About 80,000 people died of the flu.

(PLUS: What you need to know about this year's influenza vaccine)

CDC hopes this year's influenza vaccine will be more effectiveand he urges people not to let the poor performance of last year's vaccine prevent them from being vaccinated against the flu this year.

Dr. Gottlieb of the FDA said, "Although there are several antiviral drugs approved by the FDA for treating the flu, they do not replace the annual vaccination. The flu season is already well advanced and the CDC recommends getting vaccinated by the end of October, as the seasonal flu vaccine is one of the most effective and safest ways to protect yourself, as well as your family and your community, associated complications that can lead to hospitalizations. Annual vaccination is the main means of preventing and controlling influenza epidemics. "

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