Flu shot myths, such as you should wait for cold weather to get the vaccine


We have all seen startling headlines of celebrities canceling a concert to the flu or individuals dying from the illness.

It is responsible for approximately 20,000 deaths per year in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. An effective, important way to protect yourself by getting a shot. But there are many myths and misunderstandings about this vaccine.

Here are some flu vaccine myths and truths.

1. Everyone needs the flu shot. True or false?
True. For the 2018-19 influenza season the American Academy of Family Physicians recommends annual influenza vaccinations for anyone 6 months and older who do not have a health condition that may cause a complication. The inactive influenza vaccine is also recommended for pregnant women.

2. If you got the shot last year, you do not need it again this year. True or false?
False. The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) recommends routine, annual influenza vaccinations. Each year different strains of flu could be present. It is important to be protected each year with the most recent predicted strains that could otherwise cause serious illnesses.

PHOTO: A person receives the flu vaccine in this photo stock.PHOTO STOCK / Getty Images
A person receives the flu vaccine in this undated stock photo.

3. You can get the flu from the vaccine. True or false?
False. The flu vaccine contains an inactivated virus, which means that you can not get flu from the shot. However, there are possible, mild side effects from the shot, including soreness, headaches, fever and nausea. You should seek medical attention if you develop a severe allergic reaction such as difficulty breathing, hoarseness or eye or lip swelling.

4. There is only one type of flu vaccine. True or false?
False. There are usually at least three types of vaccines available, made with different influenza strains. Currently, most places carry the quadrivalent inactivated vaccine. Which type of flu shot is best for you?

5. If you have an egg allergy you can still get the flu vaccine. True or false?
True, with conditions. The AAFP and CDC both with a history of severe allergic reactions, which can not be reduced to a mild reaction, may be vaccinated, but at work or a pharmacy. This includes but is not limited to hospitals, clinics, health departments, and physicians' offices. Administration of the vaccine should be supervised by a clinician who is able to recognize and manage severe allergic reactions.

PHOTO: A sign for flu shots is pictured in this stock photo.PHOTO STOCK / Getty Images
A sign for flu shots is pictured in this stock photo.

6. It is fine to wait until it gets colder to get the flu shot. True or false?
False. March, but you can get the flu any time of year. It is hard to predict the severity of each season and the length of time that you can risk. So, if you have symptoms of medical help.

7. If you're pregnant, do not get the flu vaccine since it can harm your unborn child. True or false?
False. Pregnant women should receive the seasonal influenza vaccine as they get pregnant. The inactive type of vaccine is not known to cause any risk to the baby.

8. If you are feeling well, you should still get the flu vaccine. True or false?
True. Although certain people – including the elderly and people with compromised immune systems – are more likely to develop life-threatening complications from the flu shot, anyone can get sick from the flu. Also known as "herd immunity," it is called "herd immunity," meaning that the disease is less spread.

9. The flu vaccine causes autism. True or false?
False. Numerous studies have looked at this issue and link between vaccines and autism, the CDC says.

10. You can only get a flu shot from the doctor's office. True or false?
False. Grocery stores, pharmacies and hospitals offer flu shots. It does not matter where you go because they use the same vaccine. It's important to get the vaccine as soon as possible.

Dr. Tambetta Ojong is a family medicine resident at SUNY Downstate Medical Center and a member of the ABC News Medical Unit.

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