Flying insects could carry microplastics in the air, according to a study


British researchers have discovered that microplastics – pieces of plastic less than 5 millimeters – remain in the bodies of mosquitoes and other aquatic insects, even after they become flying adults.

The results show that plastic pollution in our oceans is being transported through the air and raising concerns about the contamination of birds and other creatures that eat insects.

The team from the University of Reading in England and Queen's University in Belfast, Northern Ireland, have inserted two tiny pieces of polystyrene weighing a little more than one. one gram per cubic centimeter in young mosquitoes and observed insects throughout their life cycle.

They found that the particles did not disappear from the mosquito systems after the insects moved between life stages and started flying, and were present inside fully formed insects.

Microplastics have been found in mosquito bodies throughout their life cycle

"Transfer of microplastics to adults represents a potential airway to contamination of new environments," the authors write in the study.

"Thus, any organism that feeds on the phases of terrestrial life from freshwater insects could be affected by particles present in aquatic ecosystems," they added, using an abbreviation for microplastics. Freshwater insects such as mosquitoes are eaten by birds, amphibians, insects and fish, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.
According to the World Economic Forum, more than 150 million tons of plastics float in the world's oceans, and an additional eight million tons enter each year.
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Plastic can get entangled or ingested by fish, birds and marine mammals and can damage marine ecosystems such as coral reefs.

"This worrying study raises real concerns about the prevalence of plastic pollution: it is really present everywhere, not just in the marine environment," said Emma Priestland, an activist with the charity Friends of the Earth.

"Knowing that plastic can be transferred from the larval stage to the adult mosquito, which is then used as food for a multitude of larger animals, underscores the urgency with which we must dramatically reduce our consumption of plastic," he added. Priestland.

A study conducted in 2015 estimated that the total amount of plastic floating in the oceans could triple by 2025.
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