Foamix's Acne Medication Achieves Its Key Objectives in an Advanced Trial, Shares Rise | New


(Reuters) – Foamix Pharmaceuticals Ltd. said on Tuesday that its leading moderate-to-severe acne drug met the primary goals of its third-stage advanced study, increasing its market share by 57 percent.

FMX101, a topical minocycline foam, showed a significant reduction in the number of inflammatory lesions in the trial that enrolled 1,507 patients.

Foamix said the safety profile of the drug was also consistent with its two previous studies at an advanced stage.

"If it is approved, we believe that the FMX101 would be the first topical minocycline product available for patients in the United States," said General Manager David Domzalski in a statement.

In the United States alone, acne affects approximately 40 to 50 million people, of which approximately 10 million have moderate to severe disease that significantly affects self-esteem and quality of life.

Shares of the company were trading at $ 9.35 after the bell.

(Report by Saumya Sibi Joseph in Bengaluru, edited by Shailesh Kuber)

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