Is Mike Miller a developer of Atlanta? Or someone else?

An FBI undercover agent pretending to be an Atlanta developer seeking to do business with the city of Tallahassee has been billed for food and beverages for a 2016 fundraiser with the new D & C committee. Mayor Andrew Gillum's political action, according to documents released Friday.

The Forward Florida PAC would eventually become the war chest of the campaign at Gillum's governorship. This is the first piece of evidence linking an ongoing FBI investigation to Gillum's broader campaign for an office in all states.

Emails and receipts released Friday as part of an additional registration request from the Florida Commission on Ethics show that the agent, Mike Miller, was charged $ 4,386 per 101 Restaurant and Mint Lounge, a restaurant owned by lobbyist Adam Corey at the time. An email exchange shows that Miller paid the bill and Gillum sent him a personal thank you note for the food.

Corey is a central figure in an FBI investigation into corruption in Tallahassee. The documents were made public by his lawyer, Chris Kise, a long-time Republican activist and adviser to governors Charlie Crist and Rick Scott.

Kise was accused of witch hunt by Democrats, but he said the facts speak for themselves.

"The facts are not partisan, they are facts," said Kise. "I'm only doing my job for my client, and I have not invented the facts, either, when you can not refute the obvious facts, you attack the messenger."

The Ethics Commission had initially assigned to minutes of Corey's visit, including the Mayor, 150 pages of documents containing text messages confirming that Gillum had attended Broadway's Broadway hit in Hamilton in August 2016 and that Miller had provided the tickets.

But on Thursday, the commission sent Kise an e-mail asking for all the documents that counsel had about the Mayor's travel in 2016 and all the interactions between the Mayor and Miller.

Read the full documents here or at the bottom of this story.

The consequences:

Among other notable documents published, there was an exchange between Corey and former lobbying partner Nick Lowe at Unconventional Strategies to give a fourth football ticket in "Mike Miller's Lot" to Dustin Daniels for the Clemson-FSU match in October. Daniels was Gillum's chief of staff at the time and is currently running for mayor. Daniels denied accepting the ticket.

Back on Dustin Daniels and the FBI: "Nothing to hide": Dustin Daniels, Mayoral spokesman, talks about contacts with FBI agents

Related story: E-mails summoned: Dustin Daniels offered the FBI agent's Skybox football ticket to the FSU

The new 80-page document release – released just 11 days before the election – also includes e-mails and receipts for a previously reported trip to Tampa in February 2016 aboard a private jet owned by real estate developer Peter Leach. to whom Gillum and Daniels have visited before meeting former Governor Charlie Crist and State Chief Alex Sink. The emails revealed that the trip was more related to the countryside than to the city, as had previously explained the mayor's staff.

Also included are e-mails related to a trip to Atlanta in July 2016 during which Corey made a $ 966 hotel reservation for him and Gillum, as well as emails related to a tapas conversation. and drinks previously reported with Miller and another undercover agent in May 2016.

Documents released this week show that Corey was closely involved in Gillum's candidacy bid to the governor, as well as the potential ethical pitfalls involved, thousands of dollars for meals, tickets, and hotel rooms. 39, apparently not reported as donations or contributions to the campaign.

"One of Rick Scott's former politicians has decided to disclose more travel and story material," Gillum spokesman Geoff Burgan said. We will be happy to talk with Republicans about health care or public education. Mayor Gillum did not receive any input or type from Mike Miller. "

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Emails showed that in April 2016, Corey was involved in organizing a fundraising dinner at his home for the benefit of Gillum's Forward Florida PAC.

The CAP was originally created as a general management committee focused on improving the lives of residents of Tallahassee and Florida, but its mission statement was written by Gillum and Daniels via email from the city. As soon as Gillum officially announced his candidacy in March 2017, Forward Florida officially became his PAC as governor.

An exchange between Corey, Lowe and Brice Barnes, a leader of the Florida Democratic Party who would become CFO of the Gillum campaign, showed them how to organize the invitations and other details.

This photo shows the three men suspected of being FBI infiltrators who used pseudonyms and cover articles as part of an investigation in Tallahassee. In the photo on the left, Mike Miller, Mike Sweets and Brian Butler. The Democrat decided to blur the physical characteristics of men after discussions with the FBI. (Photo: special for the democrat)

Previous story: Andrew Gillum's fundraising CAP took shape in an email from the city

The pamphlet announced that the event of April 11, 2016 would honor Gillum and, in an email, Barnes described it as the "first launch event" of his campaign. About 40 prominent people from Tallahassee attended, including philanthropist Rick Kearney, CEO of Mainline Information Systems, apartment developer Gordon Thames, salon owner Dan Gilbertson and lobbyist attorney Sean Pittman.

"We have some cleaning to do, but I think for the first event, we're on the right track," Barnes wrote to Corey. "Thank you again for all your hard work to make this event a success last night."

The minimum donation for dinner was $ 5,000. But Corey has introduced an alternative gift for Miller. "Instead, it helps cover the cost of the meals and drinks we've enjoyed," Corey wrote to Barnes.

An undercover FBI agent, Mike Miller, likely paid the bill for food and beverages during the fundraising for the launch of the CAP, which would become the warlord of Andrew Gillum's governor. (Photo: special for the democrat)

In an email, Corey thanked Miller for his help.

"Here is the invoice for the dinner that you so graciously offered to sponsor," wrote Corey. "As mentioned, it was a bit higher than expected due to the presence of some last-minute attendees, so let me know what you want to cover and I'll do the rest."

The bill – billed to "Forward Florida Honoring Andrew Gillum" – described a dinner for 40 guests consisting of filet mignon, baked sweet potatoes, salmon mousse canapés, broccoli and carrots and a shortbread with strawberries in the south for 2,800 dollars. The bar cost $ 1200 for beer, wine and alcoholic beverages.

The addition of 20% service charge and sales tax reduced the bill to $ 5,160, but a rebate from the owner brought the remaining balance to $ 4,386.

In another exchange, Corey asked Barnes if Gillum was in contact with "Mike Miller, thanking him for co-sponsoring the food."

Barnes confirmed that Gillum had sent Miller a "personal note".

According to the state's campaign archives, Forward Florida did not report Miller's contribution. Gillum's campaign indicated that he had received no contributions from the alleged developer.

Under Florida law, contributions include "a gift, a subscription, a transfer, a deposit, a loan, a payment, a cash distribution or anything of value, including contributions in kind with an attributable monetary value". in any form whatsoever made for the purpose of influencing the results of an election or election communication. "

Failure to report a contribution is a first degree offense punishable by up to one year.


One year before the announcement of his candidacy and two months before the fundraising, Gillum and Daniels traveled to Tampa on February 12, 2016 to meet Leach, senior vice president of Southport Financial Services, developer of affordable housing and democratic fundraising.

Corey ordered them to take private plane from Leach. Gillum spokesman Jamie Van Pelt told the Tallahassee Democrat that he was meeting Leach to discuss affordable housing ideas in Tallahassee.

"The Mayor was invited by Peter Leach to a meeting in his office to learn about the work he was doing to improve overall social services in schools and housing," Van Pelt told the Democrat in a statement. August 2017 report. "During his visit to Tampa, the mayor also met with local political leaders before returning to Tallahassee."

But a series of email exchanges between Corey and Leach indicates that the meeting was more political in nature than originally described – and that Gillum's campaign was well under way one year before its official announcement.

From the beginning, Leach wanted to know the mayor's calendar in order to organize a meeting with senior politicians Alex Sink and Charlie Crist.

"Adam, I'm waiting to have Alex Sink, some of his cohorts and maybe Charlie Crist gathered for that date – I've proposed a lunch, I should have this company by Friday." , wrote Leach.

Corey replied, "All the people mentioned are great people that Andrew would be well served to meet.I know he already knows some, which is a good thing."

Leach also asked if Corey wanted to use his private plane to "get you off and back guys?"

On January 26, 2016, Leach announced that he had booked the Bay Street Room at the Capital Grill from 1:30 pm to 4 pm. "for a food and beverage bill required of at least $ 600."

Leach asked if the event, now called Mayor's "Mayor's Meeting-Mayor Gillum", should be on behalf of Ruth's List, a political action committee dedicated to electing pro-choice Democrat candidates.

"Adam, can I assume that we will need a bill for this trip to Gillum's campaign for the cost of the RT ticket in effect for TLH to Tampa International?" Leach asked Corey in an exchange.

Gillum and Daniels ended up paying $ 400 to Southport Financial Services for the cost of the flight. Current non-stop roundtrip flights between Tallahassee and Tampa booked a week in advance start at $ 168, according to an internet search.

The mayor paid the Tampa trip out of his account, which can only be used for official business related to his office. Under Florida law, office accounts are created with unused campaign money and can only be used "for legitimate expenses related to the candidate's public service".

The misuse of the office account is an offense punishable by up to one year in prison, the statutes said.

To date, Leach and Southport Financial Strategies have donated nearly $ 50,000 to the Gillum campaign and PAC.


After the Forward Florida fundraiser, Corey continued to contact Miller to arrange meetings and trips for Gillum. At the same time, municipal and county commissioners were considering expanding the Frenchtown / Southside redevelopment district.

Miller and his cohorts were lobbying city officials to include a property they wanted to develop in their expansion plans. While Gillum and Corey were in Costa Rica during the first week of May, Corey organized a meeting for tapas and drinks at the Edison with Miller and a business partner after their return.

The Community Redevelopment Agency, which at the time was composed of city and county commissioners, voted in favor of the staff recommendation to expand the borders on June 23, in the ### Gillum's absence.

But Gillum was present on July 13 when the city commission voted unanimously to expand the boundaries as part of a consent program.

Two days later, according to Gillum's town hall calendar, he took a personal leave for the weekend. City archives show that Gillum took one hour 15:40 Delta flight between Tallahassee and Atlanta on July 15th. His chief of staff did not send an e-mail asking why Gillum had gone to Atlanta.

Atlanta was home to Miller's fictional development company, Southern Pines.

Records released by Kise on Friday featured a series of emails between Gillum and Corey from late June to mid-July, when Corey booked rooms for himself, Gillum and two others at W Atlanta – Midtown for weekend of 15-17 July.

"I'm going to add your name and I should be able to have the upgrades manage in advance," Corey said. "I'm going to make him brother."

"You are the man!" Answered Gillum.

The hotel stated that none of the "wonderful" and "fantastic" suites were available, but that they could get one of the "best rooms on the highest floors" – $ 966 for two rooms " fabulous "offering a panoramic view of the park. and the city.

Gillum noted that each room had to have two queen beds because "there are two men in each room". The identity of the other two men was not revealed during the exchange.

On July 19, Miller sent Corey an email asking him how to thank Gillum for "last week".

Contact Schweers at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @jeffschweers.

Gillum and the FBI investigation:

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