For an archived video from 1999 near the ISS, discovery of a flying metal ball


By studying archival footage, NASA experts have discovered an interesting discovery. It turned out that an unidentified object was flying near the ISS in 1999.

На архивном видео 1999 года возле МКС обнаружен летящий металлический шар

NASA experts reported that in 1999, in the frames received from the International Space Station, they saw a spherical shape of unidentified flying object, accompanied by the ISS. This information was published on the official website of the Space Agency, but quickly disappeared.

From now on, the experts decided to publish the previously obtained data and to analyze them according to all the modern canons. It is reported that a flying object had a spherical shape, it flew over the ISS it a fairly high rate. Many experts initially assumed that the mount was visible only by the glare of the sun, but after a closer look, she did not understand that it was an extraterrestrial craft.

For the 1999 archived videos near the ISS and discovering a flying metal ball, it is assumed that so close to the space station, they drew attention to what people are doing in the world. space. This video also commented on the famous American astronomer John Ball, who in the 1970s spoke of the advanced hypothesis that alien residents do not want to interfere in people's lives because they think we are creatures of organisms primitive. . The contact between man and extraterrestrial intelligence can only take place if we reach a certain level of problematic development.

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