For Montgomery, Packers, the frustration and uncertainty surrounding his role follow a groping trial against Rams | Professional Football


GREEN BAY – Ty Montgomery finally spoke to reporters Monday afternoon, a day after his fumble cost the Green Bay Packers a chance to beat the invading Los Angeles Rams.

But the fourth go-back and punt forward ended up telling how disappointed and hurt he was that a handful of teammates and coaches turned to NFL Network's Mike Silver after the match rather than his crucial gaffe, an escape from the kickoff he was. never supposed to come back in the first place.

Montgomery acknowledged that the coordinator of the special teams, Ron Zook, had told the unit back that if the coach lost his kick in the end zone, the coaches wanted to touch him – which would have allowed the offensive to score the ball at the 25-meter line with 2 minutes, 5 seconds. stays in the game, with a timeout and the 2 minute warning at their disposal.

"He said the same thing he always said:" Call back, if he's in the end zone, keep him in the end zone, "Montgomery said Monday.

Given that quarterback Aaron Rodgers has already staged two winning returns in similar circumstances this season – against Chicago on Sept. 9 and against San Francisco on Oct. 15 – coach Mike McCarthy has appreciated his team's chances of place the ball in Rodgers hands. down 29-27.

"I think (the 2-minute exercise) may be the best thing we can do on both sides of the ball," McCarthy said. "It's a shame we did not have this opportunity.

"Being at 2:05 is exactly what we are looking for with the ability to stop the clock twice. … (Montgomery) made a mistake.

To hear Montgomery say it, however, he rendered a judgment because he was afraid he had not been deep enough in the end zone for a touchdown. The replays showed that he was about 2 feet deep.

"I took a split second. (I thought): "I do not know if it's going to land on the goal line, so I'm not going to knee at the goal line, at the half-meter line and try to put the game in the hands of the referees, "said Montgomery. "Unfortunately, I ended up fumbling with football. I do not think we would have this conversation if I did not hit the ball on the ground, because we know how good our 2 minute attack is. But I have never been a guy to completely disobey what I am told.

McCarthy, speaking in the media auditorium while Montgomery spoke in front of his locker, gave no indication that the Packers (3-3-1) are considering removing Montgomery, who also said that He was not sure of his role in the team as running back Aaron Jones. and Jamaal Williams plays more than he is in attack.

"I do not quite understand my current role, what I'm supposed to do, how I'm supposed to help this team," said Montgomery.

From there, the Q & A session with Montgomery resulted in a discussion of Silver's article on, in which Silver reported that a "half-dozen" of players and d & # 39; Coaches have witnessed Montgomery's anger after being eliminated from the game the Packers' last offensive possession before the fumble. Silver quotes an anonymous player whose name indicates that Montgomery slammed his helmet after he left the match, and was asked to kneel in the end zone at the kick off. He challenged the coaches and "defended himself anyway" because he wanted to show them that he could play a play.

It should be noted that Montgomery's teammates did not particularly support Montgomery after the match, which is in sharp contrast to kicker Mason Crosby, who had missed five defeats in Detroit earlier this season.

"How much do I feel for him? Obviously, he is not trying to fumble the ball, but you have to be smart in situations like this, "said wide receiver Davante Adams after the game. "I know he's going to learn from it, but at the same time it does not change anything that has happened."

Montgomery denied Monday that he had launched a "tantrum" and said "very disappointed" that the player criticized him anonymously. Montgomery said he would like "this player to come talk to me." He also said that he and his family had been subject to online threats on social media. the season was a selfless act that was ignored.

"It's very frustrating to see that the media have the impression that no one is supporting me, I'm insubordinate, I'm a cancer no matter what happens," said Montgomery, who will be a free agent after the season. a lot of things that are wrong and that cause me false accusations about my character, perceptions of my character, I've never been one to throw teammates under the bus. You know if you never ask me questions My teammates, I always deviate, I do not like it.

"So it is very disappointing especially since a guy who has endangered the length of his career, the money he can earn during his career, is asked in the middle of the season to make several things at once. That's all I'm going to say about it. "

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