For the stars of the NBA, playing the Warriors is an appointment not to be missed


Steph Curry has won three NBA championships and has two MVPs in the regular season to his credit. He is at the top of the basketball world right now.

But in 2011 or 2012, if you had predicted that all of this would happen, people would have called you crazy.

Do not forget that in April 2012, Curry suffered an operation at the right ankle. And as Pablo Torre wrote of ESPN in February 2016:

Steph Curry did not know when he would wake up with the tendons of a dead man … The worst of scenarios now? Total reconstruction, which means that everything that was reconstructed during the first surgery of Curry would be tried again. If that proved necessary, they would use better parts – especially the tendons of a cadaver – and the expected recovery time would be at least six months. But such an operation would also be extreme enough so that nobody knows how the new hinge could fit on the ground.

Fortunately, Curry does not need a total reconstruction and the rest belongs to history.

In a recent article on the players' forum, Curry was asked the following question: "Let's imagine that we are shooting the film of your life, what scene should it absolutely be in the film, a time when your life has changed profoundly. "

That was Curry's answer:

"I do not know the exact day, but it was summer 2012. I had just undergone my second ankle surgery and I was sitting like a makeshift couch in my living room, In Charlotte, it was just me and my wife in the room, and I do not think she ever heard me say … never heard me doubt myself. nor the process of returning an injury because I am such an optimistic person.see the glass half full.

But by that time, my mental strength was really put to the test to get through the dog days of a second summer of rehab, and I did not really know where the end was going. You're still wondering, again, what we just talked about: you're aiming for excellence, you want to be great, but the only thing I could not control, was my health, my ankles .

And she gave me the following sentence: "Do not forget who you are." This has allowed me to stay focused on this mission. And two years later, or almost three years later, I'm back on the field to win the championship. So at that time, there was a little like the lowest of the lows, and it was a little bit from there. "

Who would play Steph in the movie? Who would play Ayesha. These are important questions that we need answers to.

Tuesday night, Curry went on Instagram to show his love to his wife.

Happy woman, happy life.

Drew Shiller is the co-host of Warriors Outsiders. Follow him on Twitter @DrewShiller

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