Ford has invented a way to completely eliminate the smell of your new beloved car


We Americans love the smell of the inside of a new car. It is scented like hot plastic and glues straight out of the factory. Mmmm. But consumers in China do not do it. And because our country is terrible now, and China is not comparatively so, Ford is looking for a way to eliminate the old New Car Smell watch.

Ford has filed a patent for a process that would eliminate this new car smell that was so eagerly reproduced by US air freshener manufacturers. Brent Gruber, senior director of the global automotive industry at J.D. Power, told the Detroit Free Press that odor remained the main problem of the Chinese market.

"Unpleasant odors / odors remain the industry's main problem in this market," said Brent Gruber, Senior Director of Global Automotive Industry at J.D. Power. "To put this in context, it's almost double the problem rate of the second most prevalent problem, excessive fuel consumption."

The reactions of Chinese consumers in recent years have been consistent. More than 10% of drivers complained of this problem according to J.D. Power China's 2018 Initial Quality Study.

Ford even hired 18 Chinese odor auditors to detect any unpleasant odors in their vehicles. Ford describes in its patent essentially "cook" the car in the sun with open windows and fans running until plastics, vinyl and other chemicals have released all their remarkable gases.

This is not Ford's first attempt to purge the air from their cars. A few years ago, we announced that Lincoln was putting charcoal cartridges in cars to remove all traces of new car perfume.

It may sound like crazy for us, but Chinese customers may be interested in something here. You see, this new car smell is caused by a process called "degassing", and that's what happens to newly produced plastics and various other synthetic materials or processed early in their use.

Lyndon Conrad Bell, a journalist who has been covering the auto industry for 20 years, found that the interior of new cars was essentially made up of potentially harmful gas storage tanks. Although chemicals are generally only present in small amounts, heat speeds up the process. That's why, if you leave your new car in the sun on a hot day, you might want to lower the windows rather than savoring that delicious chemical soup from your dashboard.

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