Forecast D.C .: Nor'easter's rain arrives today and will last until tomorrow morning. Windier from here tonight.



4/10: Save the morning hours if you can! Over time, a nor'easter brings its usual rainfall and breezes.


Today & # 39; hui: Cloudy. Rain in the afternoon. Tops: from the 40th to the 50th.

Tonight: Rain and breezes increase. Minimum: mid-quarantine to about 50.

Saturday: The rain is slowly falling. Fresh. High: low in the mid 50s.

Sunday: Partly cloudy. Less wind. High: about fifty to about sixty.

See it current weather at the Washington Post headquarters.


This is our nor'easter. The rain starts today and will last until tomorrow morning. This can be close to two inches in some places. Our weather is windy tonight and maybe a big part of tomorrow, when we could see a late afternoon release. Fortunately for the Sunday marathon of the Marine Corps, the chances of taking a shower are low. We could even see sunburns at times!

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Today (Friday): Before the clouds, the rain and the breeze come fully into our afternoon, we may have a part of our morning doing our last outdoor activities or our last races. Nevertheless, take this umbrella with you in case the rain arrives before the end of the morning (this is possible with coastal storm systems). As the afternoon is cloudy and becoming more humid, the intensity of the rain and the east breeze increases slowly. We could see temperatures below 50 degrees for high temperatures before the rain fell seriously, but some places could be capped in the late 40s. It is possible that temperatures rise a little higher around midnight, but that remains to be seen. Trust: Medium-High

Tonight: We could witness moderate to heavy showers when the storm reaches its maximum locally. The breezes are also increasing. Just before sunrise, northeast winds could blow at a speed of about 20 mph. The lows are mainly in the mid-forties at around 50. Trust: Way

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Tomorrow (Saturday): The coverage and intensity of the rain should decrease during the morning hours, probably not much during the day. Even persistent northwesterly winds near 15 mph are expected to decrease at sunset. We could even see the sunset, if the clouds can clear at the end of the afternoon! You may want to carry this little umbrella in case some showers move. The high temperatures of noon in the 50s to 50s will feel a little sweaty and cold, so do not forget to dress in two or three layers. Trust: Way

Tomorrow evening: Clouds can make it difficult to see all the stars. We could even see another series of showers going by. Nothing heavy or too durable. Just have a hood on the coat, if you're outside! Temperatures and breezes are slowly decreasing. Temperatures are low in the 40s for the region, with the hottest areas probably located in the city center. Trust: Way


Sunday: It could end up being cloudier than otherwise, but it can also be pretty clear sometimes. High temperatures in the mid-1950s at around 60 degrees seem possible. It's a bit of a cold respite, and a little closer to average temperatures at this time of year, but we could still have a light breeze from west to southwest. A quick shower can not be excluded either, especially early. All in all, it's your day of outdoor activities at the weekend. Try to enjoy! Trust: Way

Sunday night: We could witness a wave of showers – even a brief, constant rain – until late at night. All in all, the sky remains cloudy and we may want to take a rain jacket if we are out late. A constant southwesterly breeze around 5 mph could help keep our night temperatures low at around 50 ° C (about 40 degrees) (downtown). Trust: Lower average

Periodic clouds and even some showers can not be excluded On Monday and maybe Tuesday. As we get closer, we can get a better idea of ​​when and how long it will rain – it is unclear whether they are moving decisively before the Monday morning rush hour or when it is raining. they harass us for a few days. It is possible that west-northwest breezes close to 15 mph are remarkable and that they can cool our bodies a few degrees cooler than the 1950's for high temperature readings on the thermometer. If you've already released this winter coat, keep it handy maybe? Trust: Lower average

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