Forecasts for D.C .: Showers and storms accompanied by showers this afternoon and tonight



6/10: It's hard to be too hard on Fridays! Of course, it's heavy, but NOT hot. The risks of rain and storm increase with time. We could pass with a "good" hour in the morning before a wetter hour.


Today & # 39; hui: Increased risk of rain and storm over time. Hauts: about 70 in the mid-70s.

Tonight: Showers, storms. Fresh. The lowest: from the high 40's to the 50's.

Saturday: The clouds, the rain come out quickly. Windy. Highs: from the 50's to almost 60's.

Sunday: Sunny. Less wind. Highs: 50s to 60s.

See it current weather at the Washington Post.


Prepare the umbrellas. A cold front is coming down the heat and heaviness in front of him today, but showers could hinder travel to and from home this afternoon and evening in the area. Tomorrow we come off, but it's windy. Sunday is promised!

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Today (Friday): Despite the clouds and the chance of downpours as the day progresses, south winds of 10 to 20 mph push our temperatures to between 70 and 70 mid-afternoon temperatures. Afternoon showers can be accompanied by thunder rumblings – even a strong thunderstorm is possible, with lightning and strong winds. We are probably starting to get completely soaked at the evening rush hour, if not a little before. Trust: Medium-High

Tonight: Showers and storms are possible, with sometimes moderate to heavy rains locally, tending to diminish as we enter the night. Totals ranging from an inch or two to three are possible if storms move over the same area for a period of time. We will keep an eye on flood concerns. From 40 to 50 years before dawn, put on a double raincoat if you're out late – winds that blow close to 10 mph move north-west colder as the night goes on! Trust: Way

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Tomorrow (Saturday): A roaming shower can be early. Otherwise, the clouds should decrease rapidly in the morning. Strong winds from west to northwest blowing near 15 km / h (25 mph) make coats and diapers a perfect fit. High temperatures can remain stuck in the 1950s and wind chill can subtract 5 degrees more from the air temperature to match reality. Trust: Way

Tomorrow evening: The sky is clear and the wind from the northwest is calm, especially after sunset. Low temperatures are possible in the city for low night temperatures, with mid-30s outside the Beltway. Please return these clocks at 2 am, at 1 am! Trust: Way


Sunday: Our sunrise, an hour earlier, should not be bothered by the clouds! We can stay completely dry and bright all day – fingers crossed. People between the ages of 50 and 60 should feel comfortable, only light breezes seem possible at the moment. Enjoy the outdoors if you can! Trust: Way

Sunday night: Clouds start to rise, and we can see some showers before dawn. Temperatures increase slowly from dawn to dawn, due to stable breezes that can cause more humid and wetter air in Chesapeake Bay. # 39; Atlantic. Stay tuned for better timing of the rains, as we get closer. Trust: Lower average

Clouds and rain can dominate On Monday and Tuesday. Subject to change if you plan a storm system in several days, but it seems that Monday is cooler, with rainy moments. High temperatures from the mid-1950s to around 60. On Tuesday, torrential rains and thunderstorms fell, with even colder temperatures between around 70 and the mid-1970s. Trust: Low

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