Forget about 802.11ac and respect Wi-Fi 5 because wireless standards are easier to understand


Changes are being made to make Wi-Fi standard names such as 802.11ac easier to understand by simplifying them to a unique number.

To this end, 802.11ac – used by the majority of contemporary routers – will be renamed Wi-Fi 5, and the previous technology of the 802.11n generation will be called Wi-Fi 4, as you probably can imagine. The next generation Wi-Fi 802.11ax Wi-Fi will – wait – yes, Wi-Fi 6.

This is much easier to understand for the average consumer – a simple generational label much like the incoming 3G, 4G and 5G mobile networks.

This decision is courtesy of the Wi-Fi Alliance, which noted that the current designations were too complicated and far too technical, which is quite true. After all, who really needs five digits, a full breakpoint and extra letters to name a wireless standard?

With this new scheme, device manufacturers and operating system developers can affix a simple label to their respective products, making it easier for consumers to determine which wireless standards are supported.

Name of the game

Edgar Figueroa, president and CEO of the Wi-Fi Alliance, commented, "For nearly two decades, Wi-Fi users had to sort through technical naming conventions to determine if their devices support the latest Wi-Fi .

"Wi-Fi Alliance is pleased to introduce Wi-Fi 6 and introduce a new naming scheme to help industry and Wi-Fi users easily understand the Wi-Fi generation supported by their device or their connection. "

Wi-Fi 6 (formerly known as 802.11ax, as mentioned) is not just about improving Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) speeds – although it's certainly much faster – densely charged wireless signals, such as apartment blocks with routers in abundance.

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