Former AIMS chief, Ian Poiner, asked the head of the Reef Marine Park


The federal government has selected marine ecologist Ian Poiner as head of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, an agency that oversees the world's largest collection of coral reefs.

Dr. Poiner recently chaired the Tropical Reef and Rainforest Research Center (RRRC), a group associating tourism with a critically-minded environmental study for its management of the spiny starfish slaughter programs funded by the United States. authority.

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority needs to equip itself with a new leader.

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority needs to equip itself with a new leader.Credit:Sandy Scheltema

"Dr. Poiner is a highly respected marine scientist with international science skills and leadership experience on boards," said Melissa Price, Federal Minister of the Environment.

"He has a long history of involvement in the science and conservation of the Great Barrier Reef and is a former CEO of the Australian Institute of Ocean Sciences," said Ms. Price. "I have no doubt that it will contribute significantly to the health and resilience of the reef."

Sheriden Morris, executive director of the research center, said Dr. Poiner had been a "brilliant chair" in his group.

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