Former CIA director Michael Hayden, hospitalized after suffering a stroke


Michael Hayden, former director of the CIA and the National Security Agency, was rushed to hospital this week after suffering a stroke, according to his homonymous think tank.

"He is receiving specialized medical care for which the family is grateful," said the Michael V. Hayden Center for Intelligence, Politics and International Security at George Mason University in a statement issued on behalf of the woman's Hayden, Jeanine, and his family.

"As General Hayden begins the healing process, the family is asking for their privacy to be respected," the statement said. "The general and his family greatly appreciate the warm wishes and prayers of his friends, colleagues and supporters."

Hayden is a retired four-star general of the US Air Force and an ardent critic of President Trump. A prolific user of social media, his latest tweet of Nov. 20 shared an article about the use of private email by White House Special Advisor and his first daughter, Ivanka Trump, to handle government business.

Hayden served former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush as director of the National Security Agency. He then continued his duties with the Bush administration as Senior Assistant Director of National Intelligence and Director of the CIA. He remained at the CIA until February 2009, before being replaced by Leon Panetta.

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