Former nurse admits to murdering 100 patients


A former nurse admitted Tuesday that she has killed 100 patients in Germany, thus closing the case of the country's biggest murderous serial madness, according to reported information, according to reported information.

On the first day of his trial, Niels Hoegel, 41, admitted to killing 100 patients between 2000 and 2005 in northern Germany by injecting them with lethal drugs and trying to revive them. This attempt has often failed, according to German radio NDR Fernsehen.

When the president of the court, Sebastian Buehrmann, asked him if the allegations against him were largely based, Hoegel answered "yes", reported NDR.

PHOTO: Niels Hoegel (right), sitting next to his lawyers, Ulrike Baumann (on the right) and Kirsten Huefken (on the left), after his arrival for the first day of his trial, on October 30, 2018 in Oldenburg, Germany . David Hecker / Getty Images
Niels Hoegel (right), seated next to his lawyers, Ulrike Baumann (right) and Kirsten Huefken (left), after his arrival for the first day of his trial, on October 30, 2018 in Oldenburg, Germany.

Hoegel would be responsible for the deaths of more than 130 patients, but the cremation of more casualties makes it almost impossible to determine the exact number of victims, according to the British television channel BBC.

Hoegel was first caught by a colleague in 2005 when he was administering lethal drugs to a patient, a crime for which he was sentenced to seven years in prison in 2008.

In 2015, he was sentenced to life imprisonment after being convicted of two more counts of murder and attempted murder.

The Hoegel trial is expected to end in May next year.

ABC HISAL & # 39; Sarah Hucal contributed reports from Berlin

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