Former President Barack Obama rallies the Chicago crowd to his hometown to vote for J. B. Pritzker and other Democrats


Speaking in front of a local crowd, former President Barack Obama urged voters in Illinois to demand change by voting in Tuesday's election during a speech. about 45 minutes on behalf of the Democratic governor candidate JB Pritzker and other party hopefuls.

The visit of the former president of the state of origin was to make a closing statement for the Democrats of Illinois, including Pritzker, in his run against Republican Governor Bruce Rauner, who was finishing a weekend bus tour seeking to energize GOP voters for two days. before the mid-term elections on November 6th.

The rally of Democrats at the UIC pavilion, which included a performance by the artist and hip-hop actor Common, ended the wave of activity of political figures in the region during the last few years. campaign days, an indicator of the national and regional importance of Illinois. & # 39; best races. Obama has criticized President Donald Trump and national Republicans, accusing them of uttering misinformation to win votes.

"When words stop saying anything, when people can say untruths, actually say the opposite of the truth and that there are no consequences, democracy can not to work, "said Obama

"Democracy does not work if there is no verification if the absence of truth has no consequences. In Illinois, it turns out that the verification of this behavior concerns you. You and your vote. On Tuesday, you will be able to vote for a decent policy, an honest policy, a lawful policy and a policy that strives to make people right. And that's what I ask each and every one of us to defend with determination, patriotism and moral clarity, "he said.

Criticizing Republican congressional candidates claiming that they were defending insurance coverage against pre-existing diseases despite the GOP's efforts to abolish Obamacare, Obama said, "What we have never seen before they are politicians who lie blatantly, unequivocally and relentlessly. I mean just no shame. "

"It's as if the top was down and the black was white and inventing things," he said, "literally spending millions of dollars on advertising to do something when you do exactly the opposite. I have never seen this.

People lined up in the rain outside the UIC pavilion more than an hour before the arena gates opened on Sunday under umbrellas and ponchos along the way. South Racine Avenue. The line was crossing the nearby bridge on the Eisenhower Expressway. Those in the crowd wore buttons, stickers and T-shirts supporting Obama, Pritzker, Raoul and congressional candidates, Lauren Underwood and Sean Casten, among others.

Once the doors opened, the participants headed to the arena floor, where a stage with a podium, a drums, a keyboard and a set of microphones was installed in front of a set of stands. Between the United States and Illinois, flags hung on the blue background behind the stage were adorned with a giant banner entitled "Vote IT DEMS on November 6." The same message paraded on the panel of 9,500-seat arena display, with "JB & Juliana for Illinois."

"We are going to tell this president who is currently residing in the White House:" Take your values, take your tweets and put them "where the sun never shines." Said US Senator Dick Durbin at the rally. "America is ready to step in, speak and lead."

Obama recently cut an 11-hour radio ad for Democratic Attorney General Kwame Raoul for his fight against Erika Harold of Urbana. Democratic hopes of major congressional races in the suburbs were also with the former president.

Raoul delivered a fiery speech, inspiring the national debate on immigration.

"I am a birth baby born in 1964 to a Haitian mother who was not naturalized as a citizen until 1967," said Raoul. "I am a proud American and neither Donald Trump, nor his fanatical rhetoric, nor his proposals for an unconstitutional executive order can take it away from me."

US Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan was in the suburbs on Friday to help re-election candidates Plano's Randy Hultgren and Wheaton's Peter Roskam. Underwood and Casten, their opponents, were helped Wednesday at St. Charles by former Vice President Joe Biden.

Trump was in southern Illinois last weekend to try to help the Republican Downstate Congress candidates.

ILLINOIS VOTING GUIDE: Get the latest news from the campaign, information about the candidates and their opinion before the mid-term elections »

Obama had already campaigned for Pritzker, appearing in Champaign-Urbana in September, and vilified Trump and the Republicans who control the Congress, calling the GOP "radical" by using fear and division to hold power under the leadership of the president. controversial.

On Friday, Pritzker was asked if, as Rauner's camp claimed, Obama's visit was a sign of a race to tighten the governor and an indication that the Democrat needed help. Pritzker first responded by noting that Rauner's visit to Murphysboro a week ago at the Trump rally, where the GOP governor did not meet the president and was not mentioned on the scene.

"It's ironic that the governor who tried to chase down his president in southern Illinois – who could not even meet him and who had to stand in the crowd hoping that someone could greet him." of the hand – complains that the president, the great president, Barack Obama, who comes here to support us, it means in a way that we are desperate. I think it's him who is desperate, "Pritzker said.

When Obama finished his speech Sunday night, he greeted the crowd and then returned to give a warm handshake to Pritzker. The two men then crossed their hands and greeted the crowd. The other Democratic candidates from Illinois then went on the stage, each stopping to hug or shake hands with the former president. Obama and the candidates then joined hands, lined up and lined up in front of the stage to greet the crowd.

Obama spent about 10 minutes shaking hands and giving drama to the crowd at the front of the stage.

Myranda Scott, 21, from Flossmoor, Illinois State University, said the experience was "fascinating".

"It makes me want to vote," said Scott, who plans to vote for Democrats in Bloomington. "If I could, I would vote now, that's the feeling it gave me."

For Scott and countless other people who shouted in the stands: "I love you!" For Obama, the former president was the main draw.

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