Former President Barack Obama stops in the Chicago area to prepare Thanksgiving meals


Former President Barack Obama has gone to the Greater Chicago Food Depository this week to prepare Thanksgiving meals before Thursday's holiday.

The Obama Foundation tweeted a video of Obama 's visit to the Food Bank Wednesday, which includes a 44 call to action.

"Wherever you are in the country, I bet that an organization like this is doing a very good job," Obama said.

"Make sure you bring them some support during the holidays."

The mission of this nonprofit organization aimed at fighting hunger and food insecurity is particularly important at the present time, as America is experiencing an increase in the national food distress rate for all. households for the first time in several years, according to a report published in August by Food magazine. Center for Research and Action.

The FRAC report revealed that the national food distress rate for all households increased from 15.1% in 2016 to 15.7% in 2017, while the food distress rate for households with children has increased significantly from 17.5% in 2016 to 18.4% in 2016. 2017

At the national level, the food difficulty rate for households with children is 1.3 times higher than for households without children.

Mississippi had the highest rate of dietary difficulty among the states, at 22%, which equates to 1 in 5 households, stating that they did not have enough money to buy food. food at some point in the last 12 months.

In almost half of the states, plus the District of Columbia (24), at least one in seven (14.3% or more) of the responding households reported food difficulties.

Between Obama's clips doing his part to help relieve that pain, at least for the holidays, Obama touted the efforts of the Greater Chicago Food Depository.

Former President Barack Obama went to the Greater Chicago Food Depository this week to prepare Thanksgiving meals before the holidays on Thursday, calling on others to do the same across the United States.

Former President Barack Obama went to the Greater Chicago Food Depository this week to prepare Thanksgiving meals before the holidays on Thursday, calling on others to do the same across the United States.

Former President Barack Obama went to the Greater Chicago Food Depository this week to prepare Thanksgiving meals before the holidays on Thursday, calling on others to do the same across the United States.

The charity, serving the city of Chicago and Cook County, is located at West Ann Lurie Place.

"They are doing a great job in ensuring that the less fortunate can enjoy the kind of Thanksgiving meal that many of us take for granted," he said in full interaction with volunteers.

The food bank also shared a video of Obama's visit, thanking Tuesday the former president.

Throughout the videos, we see Obama working side by side with volunteers, from the youngest to the most mature.

Throughout the videos, we see Obama working side by side with volunteers, from the youngest to the most mature.

Throughout the videos, we see Obama working side by side with volunteers, from the youngest to the most mature.

"Thanks to @BarackObama and @ObamaFoudnation for joining our volunteers today at the Food Depot," he added.

"We do not think anyone should be hungry, especially at this time of year, and that's why we are working to fight the root causes of hunger in Chicago and Cook County."

Over the videos, we see Obama working side by side with volunteers, from the youngest to the most mature.

With Obama in a black cap of the Chicago White Sox and others wearing hair curtains and aprons, everyone is putting on bags of potatoes in bags that will be part of Thanksgiving meal.

While working with volunteers, Obama took a moment to thank two girls who are delighted to share their selfless work with the president, leaning in to kiss one of them.

While working with volunteers, Obama took a moment to thank two girls who are delighted to share their selfless work with the president, leaning in to kiss one of them.

While working with volunteers, Obama took a moment to thank two girls who are delighted to share their selfless work with the president, leaning in to kiss one of them.

"They are doing great work ensuring that those who are less fortunate are able to enjoy the kind of Thanksgiving meal that many of us take for granted," said Obama. in the middle of clips showing that he was dialoguing with volunteers

We also see Obama take a moment to thank two girls who are delighted to share their selfless work with the president.

"You do a remarkable job, you help," he says, leaning down to kiss one of the children.

"I'm really proud of you," Obama added, returning to the food store with other volunteers.

Before leaving, Obama signed a painting at the food bank bearing his signature, "Hope".

Before leaving, Obama signed a painting at the food bank bearing his signature, "Hope".

Obama wrote: "Hope requires action"

Obama wrote: "Hope requires action"

Before leaving, Obama signed a painting at the food bank carrying his keyword, "Hope," with the phrase "Hope, we must act"

"Happy Thanksgiving to everyone," said Obama, greeting the large group of volunteers. "I'm really proud of you."

He shared the same feeling with the whole group before leaving the food bank.

"Happy Thanksgiving to everyone," he said, greeting the large group of volunteers. "I'm really proud of you guys."

Before his departure, Obama signed a painting at the food bank carrying his key word, "Hope", with the following sentence: "Hope, we must act".

The FRAC report analyzed the seriousness of the food shortage in the United States by recording answers to the question: "In the last twelve months, have there been times when you did not have enough money to buy food that you or your family needed?"

The Greater Chicago Food Depository serves the city of Chicago and Cook County, is located on West Ann Lurie Place

The Greater Chicago Food Depository serves the city of Chicago and Cook County, is located on West Ann Lurie Place

The Greater Chicago Food Depository serves the city of Chicago and Cook County, is located on West Ann Lurie Place

A "yes" response to this question was considered to indicate that the household was experiencing dietary difficulties in the report.

The FRAC uses the phrase "dietary difficulties" to avoid confusion with the annual surveys and analyzes of the Census Bureau and the US Department of Agriculture that produce "food insecurity" figures, but the group stated that the concepts were comparable.

"Although they are often hidden behind closed doors, food difficulties are a serious national problem that calls for a serious national response," said FRAC President Jim Weill.

"Too many people in all regions, states and communities have been left behind in the economic recovery that followed the Great Recession and are still struggling to feed themselves."

In 2017, Mississippi had the highest rate of dietary hardship among the states, at 22%, which equates to 1 in 5 households, saying they did not have enough money to buy food at some point in the last 12 months.

In 2017, Mississippi had the highest rate of dietary hardship among the states, at 22%, which equates to 1 in 5 households, saying they did not have enough money to buy food at some point in the last 12 months.

In 2017, Mississippi had the highest rate of dietary hardship among the states, at 22%, which equates to 1 in 5 households, saying they did not have enough money to buy food at some point in the last 12 months.

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