Former President Jimmy Carter: Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court is a "very serious mistake"


Addressing a class at Emory University in Atlanta, Carter called Kavanaugh's confirmation by the Supreme Court of "grave mistake".

"I thought, that he is trying to rape or not [Christine Blasey Ford]"Whether or not, I thought that he was of inadequate temper to sit on the Supreme Court because of his breakup during the hearing," said Carter, according to a video posted by a student present.

Kavanaugh's confirmation process was caught in the controversy after Christine Blasey Ford, a California professor, accused her of sexually assaulting her when they were both teenagers at a party in Washington DC. An FBI investigation ensues and Kavanaugh ends up being confirmed in court by a tight vote of 50-48 along the mostly partisan lines.

"I think most Americans were not in favor of being on the Supreme Court, but he is here now," Carter said. "Because the Senate is rather subject to Donald Trump, they are afraid of his dissatisfaction."

"I saw him lose his temper," Carter said last month about Kavanaugh's performance during a testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Carter is not the only politician to be publicly opposed to Kavanaugh's presence on the ground. Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton recently criticized Kavanaugh's temperament.

"There is such a thing that you are looking for in judicious judges … people who are able to discipline themselves, to be open to evidence wherever they might lead …. It was Quite unusual, what we saw the other day, "Clinton told The Atlantic earlier this month.
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