Former Trump aide apologizes for Black Guest's "picking cotton" comment on Fox News


David Bossie, former vice director of the campaign for President Trump and a veteran conservative activist, apologized Sunday after telling a black guest on Fox News, "You are out of your mind picking cotton. "

Mr. Bossie made this remark during a discussion on the air on Sunday morning with Joel Payne, a Democratic strategist and a Fox regular, who fumed after Mr. Bossie, telling him: "I have parents who have picked cotton.And I will not sit here and allow you to m attack like that.

Bossie's words prompted Ed Henry, the host of the program on which the men appeared, and the network itself, to a rare repudiation on the air. A spokesman for Fox News on Sunday issued a statement that Mr Bossie's explosion was "deeply shocking and completely inappropriate".

"His remarks do not reflect the feelings of Fox News and we do not support them under any circumstances," the statement added.

In one Twitter message On Sunday afternoon, Mr. Bossie said that he should have chosen his words "more carefully and never used the offensive phrase that I made." He added, "I am Apologize to Joel Payne, Fox News and its viewers.

Mr. Bossie was one of the closest external advisors to the president. On Saturday, he traveled with Air Force One with Mr. Trump for the President's visit to Las Vegas.

The confrontation with the antenna intensified as the two men discussed the Trump Administration's policy of separating migrant children from their parents on the southern border. Mr. Bossie seemed to be trying to say that the Democrats had overreacted to the question.

As soon as Mr. Payne started calling for his remark, Mr. Bossie backed down. "You lost your head," he said, dropping the racially charged "cotton picking".

The two men were in the same Washington studio at the time.

After the end of the segment – with Mr. Henry clumsily slashing a commercial break – they had what Mr. Payne later described in a interview with MSNBC as "a brief, very concise exchange". Mr. Payne stated that Mr. Bossie had "expressed some regret".

It was the second time in a few days that one of the president's relatives aroused outrage over an insensitive comment during a screaming match on Fox News.

Corey Lewandowski, former Trump campaign director, reacted with a disdainful "womp womp" when a Democratic strategist said that Mr. Trump's separation policy had led to a girl with Down syndrome being separated from his parents.

Sarah Mervosh contributed to the report.

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