Former WWE star Matt Cappotelli dies after a battle with cancer


Former WWE star Matt Cappotelli died after a yearlong fight against cancer. He was 38 years old.

Cappotelli was diagnosed with a brain tumor on June 27, 2017, according to a blog written by his wife Lindsey Cappotelli.

Lindsey shared the news of her husband's death Friday in a dedicated Facebook group "Hey Team Capp … I had a hard time saying what to say and saying that, and I will probably end up by to walk, but that's it, "she wrote.

"Today my love -My strong, gentle, beautiful love-took his last breath at 3:30 am and went home to be with Jesus … exactly one year after his brain surgery" she continued. "You think you can be prepared for that when you know it's coming, but you can not. The only person I want comforting right now is the one who can not give it to me. "

" I miss her so much, "she added," I know where he is now is so much better, but that does not change how much I miss him. "

Matt, who also played in the WWE's Third Season of Reality Tough Enough Lindsey wrote on his blog

The former wrestler had undergone an MRI in February 2017, but in June of this year, he began to suffering from headaches and ""

  Matt Cappotelli

When the two entered the doctor's office together, they were heartbroken by Matt's diagnosis

. Yao, the brain surgeon, came to our room to talk more with us and give us our options, "Lindsey wrote. "He explained that the tumor was of significant size and that he was shocked to see how quickly he had grown up in the 4 months following Matt's MRI."

The couple was told that without surgery, the type of tumor Matt had, although Glioblastoma was a possibility.

"It was the first time I'd heard that word." According to him, it was the worst-case scenario, Lindsey wrote. "If it was GBM and that Matt chose not to undergo surgery or chemotherapy, he would have more than a month to live. Then he said that even with surgery and treatment, it is usually about 6 months.

Matt underwent surgery on June 29, 2017, and while his surgeon was able to remove 90% of the tumor, the results confirmed that he was suffering from grade glioblastoma 4.

"It was an extremely moving day for us, as we can expect when you hear something like that, we had our moment of crying with each other," Lindsey wrote. "I remember standing in the kitchen, in his arms, crying and crying, and saying that I could not lose him, I could not live without him."

He started oral chemotherapy After catching the flu in December, he was hospitalized and "never really walked again."

"All the while, Matt and I have never really discussed the Death, "wrote Lindsey." Part of me wish we had it, but I never wanted to make him believe that I did not think that he would do it. Because I still had hope, and I did not want him to give up hope. "

" I love this so fucking man. It's my "person". It's the one I wanted to be with forever, "she continued. "It's the one with whom I wanted to grow old.I wanted him to be my whole life, not just a part of my life."

"So many times have I wished it was I'm going through this, and I'll trade places with him in an instant, "she added. "I always told him that I wanted to die before him because I did not think I could survive without him, but I knew that he would be fine without me.If you asked what was my worst nightmare, it would be losing him. So many times I've wondered, how can this happen? I can not believe it's really happening, but it is, and it's part of life, people are contracting cancer and people are dying. We can not do anything about it, but we can control how we respond to these circumstances and how we allow God to work in us and through us, and I can already see growth and change in me. "

She concluded, "It's bad to go through something like this, but I know God works and moves." All we want is for both of them to be glorified. As Jesus said in John 12: 28, Father, bring glory to your name. "

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