Fossils trapped in amber provide clues to the origins of snakes



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The skeletal remains of a new species of prehistoric snake preserved in l & # 39; amber found in Myanmar Credit: Ming Bai, Chinese Academy of Sciences

In 2016, Lida Xing painted the amber markets of Myanmar when a merchant lured her to her stand with what he said was the skin of a crocodile trapped in amber. Dr. Xing inspected the specimen through his honey-colored envelope and noticed the diamond-shaped pattern of his scales, he realized that what he was holding was actually a snake skin 99 million years old Dr. Xing, who is a paleontologist from the University Chinese geoscience in Beijing, had already recovered a feathered dinosaur tail and a baby bird in the amber m arkets. But he said that hundreds of thousands of pieces of amber discovered in the area, no one had ever found a snake.

He bought snake skin and held a meeting with Michael Caldwell, paleontologist at the University of Alberta. . A few minutes before Dr. Xing boarded for his flight to Canada, another colleague alerted him of another recently discovered snake specimen that was more surprising than the first: a baby snake was buried in a piece of silver amber.

"The fossil is the first baby snake and the oldest snake to be found yet," said Dr. Xing. Prior to this discovery, paleontologists had not discovered a fossilized snake baby even in the fossil record, Dr. Caldwell said.

Vertabrae and the ribs of one of the baby snakes kept in amber. Credit Lida Xing, Chinese University of Geosciences Beijing

Researchers determined that the fossilized snake was an embryo or newborn based on the development of its spinal cord. Like modern baby snakes, the preserved baby had tiny vertebral bones, but a large tube of the spinal cord, according to Dr. Caldwell. This is a telltale sign that the snake was still developing, as well as the first direct evidence that the observed developmental processes in the spine of a baby snake were established there are at least 100 million dies. Years and have remained relatively unchanged since then.

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