Found another star with a mysterious glow


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In 2012, it was found that the brightness of this object was reduced by 95%.

Scientists have found a new star whose brightness varies in an unusual way. The most famous object is the so-called "Star Tabby", whose astronomers have explained the different hypotheses, up to the astro-engineering structures of extraterrestrials. The results are published on the preprint server.

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The Kepler Space Observatory, designed to search for exoplanets, has detected unusual fluctuations in the brightness of the star KIC 8462852, more commonly known as 'Star Tabby' – named after one of the discoverers, Tabitha Boyajian. This star is larger and warmer than the Sun, but it is interesting at first because of its radiance mysteriously changed: it turned pale and flamed without any regularity. Scientists have proposed many reasons for this alder, including the rotation around the alien megastructure, huge clouds of dust, and huge swarms of comets.

In the new work, astronomers write on another star named VVV-WIT-07, whose brightness is also strange. Observations from 2010 to 2018 reveal no trend in brightness changes. However, it is sometimes reduced by 80%, while the Star Tabby only decreases by up to 20%, which is however a lot for such fixtures.

There is another star with an unusual brightness change – J1407, which is also called "an object of Mamaduka" on behalf of the discoverer Eric Mamajek. In 2012, it was found that the brightness of this object was reduced by 95%, but these changes can be attributed to the periodic pattern, which allowed to explain the presence of planets satellites or brown dwarfs with an incredibly extensive ring system. Hundreds of times larger than those of Saturn.

The discovery of several stars with unusual brightness variations suggests that they are relatively common. However, some astronomers doubt the real similarity between VVV-WIT-07 and KIC 8462852. The fact that the Tabby Star is old enough and should not be a private activity, while VVV-WIT-07 was young and, therefore, brightness can be related to internal processes. Along the line of sight of VVV-WIT-07 is also much more galactic dust, which also causes significant distortion of light. The authors of this new publication hope to get some observation time on large telescopes to get much more detailed information about the radiation of the object.

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