Found creatures who are not afraid of global warming



Canadian scientists have determined that one of the species of people in the ocean is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature and will easily survive global warming. That's what our site says in reference to Cikavosti.

This form was sponges, called Vazella pourtalesi. In addition, because of their shape, they are called "Russian caps" Their habitat are the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. In trying to achieve some actions to protect this species of sponges from extinction due to global warming, scientists have conducted a number of studies. Fortunately, they showed that the change in temperature in the direction of increase would not lead to the disappearance of species. The experts followed the temperature fluctuations over one hundred and forty-five years (1870-2015). The results showed that they reached about eight degrees every ten years. This testifies to the durability of these sponges. Scientists also analyzed salinity parameters at different times. They too have fluctuated, but the condition of the sponge species has remained at the right level.

Therefore, this situation clearly shows that Vazella pourtalesi is able, without additional help, to overcome the influence of sudden changes in temperature. This suggests that this type of sponges can suffer the negative impact of global warming.

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