Four California Men Accused of Inciting Riots in Charlottesville Violence


WASHINGTON — Four men from California described as “serial rioters” were charged with inciting a riot during last summer’s white supremacist rally and deadly counterprotests in Charlottesville, Va., federal law enforcement officials said on Tuesday.

The men traveled from California and repeatedly attacked the counterprotesters, resulting in serious injuries in some cases, and took part in a torchlight march a night earlier that also resulted in violence, the officials said.

The four men are members of the California-based Rise Above Movement, a militant white-supremacist organization, according to federal law enforcement officials. They were identified as Cole Evan White, 24; Benjamin Drake Daley, 25; Michael Paul Miselis, 29; and Thomas Walter Gillen, 34. Each was accused of inciting a riot and conspiracy. The counts each carry a maximum five-year prison sentence.

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