Fox Business eliminates a guest who blamed the migrant caravan of the "Soros-occupied State Department"


Fox Business Network will no longer book a guest who allegedly blamed the last migrant caravan of the "Soros State Department".

"We condemn the speech of Lou Dobbs Tonight's guest," said Gary Schreier, senior vice president of programming at Fox Business, in a statement. according to CNN. "This episode was a rehearsal that has now been drawn from all future broadcasts."

A spokesperson for Fox News told CNN Chris Farrell, head of Judicial Watch, will no longer be booked on Fox Business Network or Fox News.

Farrell commented on Dobbs' show while evoking the caravan of migrants crossing Central America to the US-Mexico border. Farrell contributed to The Hill.

"This is a criminal implication on the part of these leftist crowds. It's a sophisticated, highly organized and elaborate operation, "Farrell said of the caravan. "I have since from the highest levels of the Guatemalan government."

"Many of these people also have affiliates who receive money from the Soros-occupied state department, and this is a very big concern," he continued.

George Soros, a billionaire philanthropist, was recently the target of a conspiracy theory suggesting that he financed the migrant caravan. GOP Rep. Matt GaetzMatthew (Matt) Gaetz George Soros' son: Bomb threats are a symptom of "political demonization" in Trump's day. An explosive device discovered at George Soros. Former FBI Lawyer Talks with Rosenstein House of Representatives Legislators, 2016 PLUS (Fla.) Spread this theory in a tweet Last week, a few days before Soros receives a homemade bomb

Farrell's comments were first broadcast on Thursday night, and then rebroadcast on Saturday, a few hours after the death of 11 people during a shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue.

Members of the media and other Twitter users have severely criticized Farrell, Dobbs and the network for their comments.

Nate Silver, of FiveThirtyEight, pointed out that Farrell's comments were "a version of the same conspiracy that the Pittsburgh shooter obviously believed could have helped trigger the murders he committed."

The alleged gunman, Robert Bowers, issued anti-Semitic messages on social media and shouted "all Jews must die" before opening fire in the Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue on Saturday.

Firing would be the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in American history, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

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