FOX NEWS FIRST: Trump slams "haters" in the media, threatens to close the wall of the border; Manafort preview of the test


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In development now, Monday, July 30, 2018

  • President Trump castigates the "hateful" in the media after the New York Times editor has called the president's rhetoric "wandering and over in more dangerous "
  • Sunday, he would be ready to" close "the government if the Democrats do not support the measures of immigration like the financing of its border wall
  • A forest fire in California North made six deaths, but began to slow down after days of growth. The trial of Trump's former campaign director, Paul Manafort, is scheduled to begin Tuesday, and he could give insight into the investigation of Special Advisor Robert Mueller
  • in an exclusive interview with FOX News Maria Bartiromo, Vice President Mike Pence salutes the economic achievements of the Trump administration and predicts that Brett Kavanaugh, Supreme Court candidate, will be confirmed in the fall

THE LEAD STORY – TRUMP VS. On Sunday, after the New York Times editor criticized Trump's rhetoric, President Trump "tore up the enemies of the newspaper industry." In a series of tweets, the president complained that the media had been "driven mad by their Trump Derangement Syndrome". "[Ninety percent] the media coverage of my administration is negative, despite the extremely positive results we're getting, it's no surprise that confidence in the media is at an all-time high!" Trump wrote.

Trump posted the tweets a few hours after A.G. Sulzberger of the New York Times detailed a July 20 meeting between him and the president. Sulzberger said Trump's assistants initially requested that the meeting not be made public, but added that he had decided to comment after Trump had discussed it in another tweet earlier Sunday. Sulzberger said that he told Trump that while the phrase "false news" is false and harmful, "I am much more concerned about his labeling of journalists" the enemy of the people. "Trump's Tags," he said, fueled the threat President Trump said Sunday that he would be ready to close the federal government if Democrats did not agree with Republican demands on funding from a wall along the US Mexican border .. Trump wrote on Twitter that border security "includes the Wall! Must get rid of Lottery, Catch & Release etc and finally go to a MERIT based immigration system! We need great people coming to our country! "

The White House was involved in the controversy over ongoing efforts to reunite separated families at the border who were trying to illegally enter the United States. During his last weekly address, Trump cited the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to justify the strict application of immigration laws and the constant need for Immigration Customs & Enforcement, the United States. agency that has been criticized by Democrats in recent months

HOPE: A deadly fire in Northern California has now killed six people but has slowed down, giving the authorities new hope … The North California Carr wildfire, which has grown to nearly 90,000 acres since its blast on Thursday, has taken six lives, including two firefighters, a woman and her two great-grandchildren, ages 4 and 5. In addition, according to the In the Shasta County Sheriff's Office, seven missing persons reports remain outstanding.

Yet in Redding, officials kept a hopeful tone for the first time in days. "We are feeling a lot more upbeat now because we are starting to gain ground rather than being in defensive mode on this fire all the time," said Bret Gouvea, the incident commander of the Forestry Department. and the California Fire Protection. 19659013] PAUL MANAFORT'S TRIAL: The trial of President Donald Trump's campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, is scheduled to begin Tuesday and will focus on Manafort's affairs and lifestyle, not on allegations of Russian collusion. But he will give an overview of the investigation of Special Adviser Robert Mueller … The trial for financial crimes of Manafort, the first arising from the investigation of Mueller, will focus on his work as a Ukrainian consultant and will only briefly mention his involvement in the presidential campaign. Jury Selection Starts Tuesday in Alexandria, Virginia

The lawsuit will give the public its most detailed overview of the evidence that the Mueller team has accumulated over the course of the year. He will present testimonials on the business relations and foreign relations of an accused Trump accused of conducting his campaign during a critical period in 2016, including during the Republican Convention

FOX NEWS EXCLUSIVE: VICE PRESIDENT PENCE ON "DRAMATIC" ECONOMIC GROWTH AND MORE: Vice President Pence extolled the economic progress of the Trump administration and criticized journalists who gave up the "decor" at the White House in a wide Interview with Maria Bartiromo of FOX News on "Sunday Morning Futures" … is, in the last two administrations, the economy has grown less than 2 percent, "said Pence." And in the first 18 month of this administration – we were just under 3% last year – we are on track to be 3% or better this year. "" The dramatic increase "in investments and exports to "Enterprises testifies Trump administration policies," said Pence.

On Friday, the Commerce Department released a long-awaited estimate showing that gross domestic product (GDP) grew 4.1% in the second quarter of 2018, marking the fastest economic expansion in nearly four years

Also, despite an extreme division on the Capitol, Pence predicted that Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh will soon be confirmed. "We remain confident that before the end of the fall, Judge Brett Kavanaugh will be Judge Brett Kavanaugh," Pence said.


THE TRUTH ABOUT DEMOCRATS AND OPEN BORDERS: "The Obama called it a healthy economy, but there was hardly a pulse. " – Judge Jeanine Pirro, in her monologue "Opening Statement" on "Justice with Judge Jeanine," congratulating President Trump for the fastest expansion of the US economy into about four years. WATCH

THE POLITICAL BENEFITS OF TRUMP'S FRIENDS: "The greatest enemies here are not necessarily the Democrats of the open borders, they do what they do. They are still doing in Washington, DC who are willing to throw President Trump and his constituents and supporters under the bus to preserve their own power. " – Michelle Malkin, on" FOX & Friends Weekend, " arguing that congressional Republicans seeking to retain power are blocking President Trump's border security agenda. WATCH


Great white shark caught in the waters of Rhode Island.

The deputies' Facebook graphic describing the struggle with a suspect becomes viral.

Using Amazon, edit these five settings immediately.


Members of the Republican Party of Tennessee Dem Party & # 39; reach out & # 39; to Trump voters, call them "idiots"

Rep. John Lewis released from hospital with "a good state of health"

Prankster puts Putin's portrait in the place of Trump in Colorado Capitol.


A missing student from the University of Iowa may have returned home after a jog: report

A teenager seriously injured after exploding a plastic bottle in her hand. 19659010] Millennia exhausted leave lucrative jobs to live a better life.

The CBS Steel's attack at Moonves' fate amidst Redstone's rivalry.

The death of Fiat Chrysler's chief puts the emphasis on the health of CEOs

US fishing laws.


Kyle Smith: Trump's death was greatly exaggerated

Peter Morici: I am an educator. That's why I want Judge Kavanaugh at the Supreme Court.

Timothy Head: The disarmed anti-Kavanaugh left the gears to attack a Christian family man who feeds the homeless.


The boss of "Big Bang Theory", Chuck Lorre, comments on safe working environments after Les Moonves' allegations of sexual harassment.

Mark Hamill answers the news that Carrie Fisher will appear in the next "Star Wars" via old pictures.

A grieving orca mother carries a dead calf for the fifth day

Polar bear killed after attacking a cruise ship employee near the North Pole.

The maid of honor begs JetBlue for refund after the bride asks her to "give up" the title, "homework".


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Departure & # 39; FOX News Update, our new exclusive news program on Facebook hosted by Shepard Smith, Carley Shimkus and Abby Huntsman!

On FOX News:

FOX & Friends ] 6 pm ET: special guests: the lawyer of President Trump, Rudy Giuliani ; Larry Winget, the "Pitbull of personal development"; and Greg Gutfeld, who discusses his new book, "Gutfeld's Monologues". In addition, the reaction after Philadelphia makes another step towards the prevention of ICE; Analyze the geopolitics of China; and a look at the best backyard toys for summer fun.

On FOX Business:

Morning with Maria 6 pm ET: More exclusive from Maria Bartiromo interview with Vice President Mike Pence while he takes her behind closed doors to show the bronze star medal awarded to her late father for his service in the Korean War.

On FOX News Radio:

The Fox News Rundown Podcast : The GDP Report for the Second Quarter Shows the Highest Level of Economic Growth last four years. FOX Business journalist Adam Shapiro explains what it means for the economy. Last week, the United States Department of Agriculture announced $ 12 billion in emergency assistance for farmers affected by President Trump's recently imposed tariffs. Andy Petersen, the morning farm news presenter at FOX News affiliate, WHO-AM, discusses the impact of tariffs on farmers. More, comment by FOX News; Gregg Jarrett

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Brian Kilmeade's Show 9am ET: FOX News corp Kevin Corke on Trump castigating the New York Times, the media and being ready to "close" the government on his wall promised frontier. The investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson is being spied on by the Obama administration.


2013: U.S. Army Pfc. Bradley Manning is acquitted of having aided the enemy – the most serious charge he faces – but he is found guilty of spying, theft and other charges. Fort Meade, Md., More than three years after divulging secrets to WikiLeaks. (The former intelligence analyst, now known as Chelsea Manning, will be sentenced to a prison term of up to 35 years, commuted by President Barack Obama in his last days in power.) 19659009] 1975: The former President of the Teamsters Union, Jimmy Hoffa, disappears in the suburbs of Detroit; Although presumed dead, his remains have never been found.

1956: President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs a measure making "In God We Trust" the national currency, replacing "E Pluribus Unum". many, one).

FOX News First is compiled by Bryan Robinson of FOX News. Thank you for joining us! Enjoy your Monday! We will see you in your inbox on Tuesday morning.

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